An advertising campaign is also being launched to get the message across that litter louts will be fined.
He's got to continue to get the message across and so do we.
"We want to get the message across without being preachy, " Sullivan says.
Conservative Baroness Morris of Bolton said a lack of female interpreters was hampering efforts to "get the message across" about the practice.
Casey's parental fears remain as universal and timeless as parenthood itself, so if it takes eight years to get the message across, amen.
And Prof Mike Richards, the Department of Health's national cancer director, said using the sport's appeal to get the message across was no gimmick.
McClusky argued that like signs posted in yards advertising alarm systems, signs that warn the homeowners have guns would get the message across, he said.
They used a famous Senegalese singer to get the message across.
Despite festival organisers trying to get the message across that Glastonbury itself is very much "open for business", it is something all acknowledge will take time.
But get the message across the United States wants to engage, wants to work, to help bring the peace that both sides basically need and want.
Following two grass fires over the Easter weekend, arson reduction team staff, police and youth workers will visit Maesgeirchen in Bangor on Thursday to get the message across.
Harness the power of numbers to get the message across.
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As a Catholic, I am hopeful that the charges Finn faces will finally get the message across to those at the top of the church, those making the decisions.
It is hard for Microsoft to uncover cases of corporate piracy, much less to prosecute them, but the firm is hoping that a few well-publicised fines will get the message across.
To Republican Party planners, food is just one more way to get the GOP message across: There are Republican cookies in the shape of the party s symbol, for those hungry enough to eat an elephant.
In this way, you can improve understanding between IT and business by using books to get the IT message across or by directing IT's own attention toward the best IT-relevant business books.
He added he wanted to help his rescuers to get the safety message across.
The Scottish Youth Theatre will help deliver special workshops on the dangers of misusing the railway, while Young Scot will use social media to get the safety message across.
There needs to be preparation and self-education, followed by extensive town halls, outreach meetings, visits to senior citizen centers, and the use of every available communications tool to get the reform message across.
The question is to what degree he can get his message across to the players.
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The book-thrower just wanted to get his message across, and the streak-arranger just wanted publicity.
"It has evolved into just another way for the industry to get its message across, " says Peter Lurie of Public Citizen, which conducted the study.
When I saw it, I thought using profanity to reach kids does not seem to me like the best way to make the message get across.
"This programme is a wonderful opportunity to bring pupils into direct contact with outstanding mathematicians and to get across the message to future generations that maths can be both educational and fun, " said the project's director, Professor John Barrow.
But while religious leaders may be speaking the same language, how do they get that message across to those engaged in conflict on the streets?
In his testimony to Congress, he did not focus on this issue, though, perhaps believing he has said enough in the past to get his message across.
In contrast to the Northern Ireland Conservatives, they have a presence in the Assembly and both of them are adept at using the airwaves to get their message across.
Loffreda's command of the English language is developing all the time, but it is still some way short of perfect, which no doubt hampers his attempts to get his message across to the players.
"I don't think I'll ever be able to leave hip hop entirely, I just feel like this is something that's necessary for right now for me to get my message across in the music that I'm making right now, " Mr. Broadus says.
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At the end of the day, Stewart delivered the message to get along, and he alone came across as the voice of reason.