"Educating the CEO and getting his attention and getting resources away from other disciplines is a real tough part of the CIO's job, " says Zammuto.
Mr McCain is getting less attention than his Democratic opponents, but he is using his time to lay foundations for the general-election campaign.
It was the fact that while most of the prisoners were divergently dissipating the pressure of prison life through distractions like sleeping or TV, he was convergently using this same energy to focus his attention on getting free.
Nobody seems to have a big problem with Pitino getting the attention this week despite his small stake in Goldencents, co-owned by Josh Kaplan, Glen Sorgenstein and Dave Kenney.
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has been getting a lot of attention for his Medicare reform plan, jointly proposed with well-respected, Democrat-leaning economist and federal-budget expert Alice Rivlin of the Brookings Institution.
One source said Cheney joked about all the attention his health was getting and quipped that it was hurting his ability to be a typically anonymous vice president.
Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt says that the two companies are communicating, but does seem to be enjoying the negative attention his chief rival is getting.
As it was, Broadhurst suffered the distraction of his playing partner Mark Calcavecchia getting all the attention as he briefly tied for the lead on five under.
Earlier, an Edwards aide said the candidate was not getting the media attention he needed to get his message out and win delegates, especially with races coming up in 22 states Tuesday.
Penn, who had filmed a remake of the film "All the King's Men" in New Orleans and other parts of Louisiana, said getting attention wasn't a concern during his mission, which he said rescued 40 people.
CNN: Celebrities keep spotlight on New Orleans 4 years after Katrina
Pinault is finally getting some attention for what he says is the true love of his life, his vast collection of contemporary art, which until this year he has kept largely hidden from prying eyes.
FORBES: Why the man who controls Gucci had to have his own museum.
Patrick says he was nervous after Psystar started getting a lot of attention from skeptical bloggers three days after he placed his order for a machine loaded with Leopard.
The president timed his speech hours after the Senate began intense debate on an immigration bill that has been getting increasing attention in a year when all House seats and one-third of Senate seats are up for election.
His problem is not physically doing something, it's getting the ability to study, to pay attention.