And finally a word of sympathy for the clerks who must carry out these ghastly duties.
What they have done may be unique, heroic, cowardly or ghastly, but they capture our imaginations.
This incorrigible criminal is not producing his ghastly weapons for the fun of it.
My father would have said that is ghastly, but I wish I had it to lose.
Like many Ossis, Hans-Albert Schulz, a teacher, resents being told that everything was so ghastly before.
The actors creak around in the most ghastly, unconvincing guises of old age, seemingly disorientated.
Hasan's career to proceed unchecked until he brought it to its ghastly conclusion is another question.
The Fed should take a cue from the ghastly, vastly costly lesson of the Bank of Japan.
Wheelchair users prefer a ghastly modern bus they can board to a romantic old one they can't.
Left at that, the sickness would probably be just another ghastly farming disease (cattle get anthrax as well).
ECONOMIST: Another cow disease with a possible link to humans
Time, however, also trailed her, with his ghastly wrinkled face and his sallow hue that co-ordinated with no bathrooms.
Something has to be done, and quickly, or we'll be passing along to our heirs a ghastly wreck of a planet.
Are we really (as tons of people like to conveniently argue) all that wound up from horrible, ghastly days at the office?
He tramps the full length of London's ghastly Oxford Street six times in a day, and makes it sound enjoyable and interesting.
In what can only be described as a ghastly oversight, Nikon doesn't allow the WMAU app to control any of the settings.
Gore paints a horrifying picture of how global warming may lead to ghastly increases in infectious diseases because vectors are expanding their ranges.
If Labour becomes as unpopular mid-term as has every recent government, its huge majority in Parliament will be a ghastly provocation to voters.
The net result is that its capital ratio becomes bigger, and the bank - all other things being equal (that ghastly qualification again) - becomes stronger.
The news may often read like a litany of ghastly events, but look beyond the headlines and it is clear that we are not.
They were covered in long spikes, like navy mines, that made a ghastly sucking sound as they dug in and out of the mud.
Is it possible that the ghastly unemployment, stagnant growth (and possible double-dip recession), and financial market convulsions all can traced back to one single decision?
FORBES: Fiat Money: The Root Cause Of Our Financial Disaster
The story's author had already had the case against him thrown out by the High Court after nine days in one of Zimbabwe's ghastly jails.
He said no, European governments would find a way to hold the single currency intact, if only because the alternative was too ghastly to contemplate.
Color brings this ghastly war home as black and white cannot.
They seemed to feel that they had to visit this place and put their hand in the wound to prove anything so ghastly had happened.
Hoover's ghastly mistakes brought on the disaster and then deepened it.
Parliament was ghastly in the 1970s, and worse in the 1980s.
He is not burdened with the ghastly rumors and accusations of performance enhancing substances nor is he adamantly defending his innocence in a court of law.
It would surely be run close by the ghastly low-slung British embassy, now, amazingly, disposed of by some salesman of genius to a German telecoms group.
To the contrary, I feel the ghastly critical chill of admitting that I was bored by such obvious prestige television, created by people whose work I admire.