Each allowance represents the right to emit one ton of CO2 or CO2-equivalent GHG.
Ethanol is currently meeting about 10% of our fuel needs and reduces GHG emissions almost 4%.
So how many Priuses would it take to get that same GHG emissions reduction.
The resolution fell four votes short (47-53), allowing the GHG regulatory cascade to proceed apace.
In June 2009, the EPA authorized the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to establish its own GHG standards.
Put otherwise, climate sensitivity measures how fast temperatures are likely to rise as a result of atmospheric GHG.
Option A would reduce GHG emissions by 90% by 2050, but only if the future unfolded as anticipated.
FORBES: Rethinking Our Response to Climate Change: Carbon Wedges 2.0
This is the largest percentage decline in total U.S. GHG emissions on record.
Option B would reduce GHG emissions by 70% by 2050, but would do so across a range of possible futures.
FORBES: Rethinking Our Response to Climate Change: Carbon Wedges 2.0
The same reasoning argues even more strongly against imposing a single GHG standard on coal boilers and natural gas turbines.
FORBES: Why You Should Care That Courts Overturn EPA's Carbon Pollution Standard
To repeat, McCarthy in testimony (along with two other administration witnesses) asserted GHG standards and fuel economy standards are not related.
The Endangerment Rule triggered the Tailpipe Rule, which in turn triggered Clean Air Act permitting requirements for major stationary GHG emitters.
The only time Congress even considered imposing GHG performance standards on power plants was during the debate on the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill.
FORBES: Why You Should Care That Courts Overturn EPA's Carbon Pollution Standard
In California, for instance, CO2 accounts for a much bigger share of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (76%) than the global average (56%).
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Still, the EPA now claims permitting authority to restrict carbon dioxide and other GHG emissions from stationary sources they attribute to causing climate change.
The math translates into an ecological windfall for a necessarily critical mass of soil turnover, nutrient recycling, and various GHG sequestration, not to mention nitrification.
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The EPA actually began regulating mobile GHG sources first as the trigger for applying permitting programs under their interpretation of the CAA to stationary sources.
But key agency documents show GHG standards implicitly regulate fuel economy.
Roughly two-thirds of the members of Ceres Company Network have in place targets to reduce GHG emissions, increase renewable energy production and procurement or both.
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But the real question will be: can they convert the vote of a fifth justice for a majority on the stationary source GHG regulation issue?
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Last week, the EPA published its GHG Emissions Report, assessing the sources and volumes of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. for calendar year 2010.
An attributional accounting protocol that relies on facilities-level GHG balances to report net CO2 uptake and track otherwise unregulated GHG emissions throughout fuel and feedstock supply chains.
That Quirk is pushing California to prepare a 2050 roadmap for GHG emissions reductions in one of his first acts as a state lawmaker should come as no surprise.
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The BlackBerry maker remains in last place for its complete failure to disclose to Greenpeace its GHG emissions or to set public targets for the reduction of emissions by 2015.
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According to Greenwire (April 14, 2010), McCarthy gave assurances best available control technology standards for major GHG emitters would require only efficiency upgrades, not fuel switching from coal to gas.
Motor vehicle GHG emission standards implicitly regulate fuel economy.
Annually, the plug-in electric vehicles in our pilot are expected to save nearly 29, 000 gallons of gas, reduce GHG emissions by 257 metric tons, and save taxpayer dollars in avoided fuel costs.
Whether you or I think that this is small cost to pay for reductions in GHG emissions and energy independence is beside the point, the law is pretty explicit on this topic.
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Upon reflection, policy is best defined using current-period accounting of carbon stocks and flows, ideally with direct, measurement-based, verifiable tallies of GHG emissions from the production and use of all fuels and feedstocks.
Officials from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality did not attend the federal court hearing, but have made it clear that they have no intention of modifying their permitting process to include GHG emissions.