Some guests say they saw ghosts in the pool areas wearing 1930s bathing suits.
Rumours of ghosts have haunted the Queen Mary since it came to Long Beach.
Soon after the marriage, Hyde-Lees realised she had a particular talent for channelling ghosts.
Sausmarez Manor is thought to be full of ghosts, notably the Nanny of the 28 Children.
Every day he looks out his office windows and sees the ghosts of wrecked firms.
We have an opportunity to exorcise the ghosts of that day and put it behind us.
The debate between Say and Malthus, between Scrooge and the Ghosts, continues to this day.
Still, the new generation of modern diesels could bury the ghosts of the past.
This talk of footsteps, ghosts and allusions to dusty diamond failures is facile, cheesy.
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But ghosts who like to nest might not want to deal with seasonal visitors.
The Ghosts of Earnings Past are haunting the nascent rally even as you read this.
These explosions are a go-to reaction when we're confronted with the ghosts of prior complications.
More than 95% of Phantoms and three out of four Ghosts are highly personalized.
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Puffing with excitement, Yu recites the inscription, a memorial to his favorite Shanghai ghosts.
But a shadow of the past reappears, and the girl has her own ghosts.
"We don't believe in ghosts, " was Mahathir's characteristic response at the end of the assembly.
For Cloud Cult, Feel Good Ghosts is a more joyous, happy album compared to other recent efforts.
But as the trouble in Sulu suggests, the ghosts of conflicts past continue to haunt the present.
Ghosts must be set-up to counter or wreak all programs in machines that are threats to humans.
But then, for a moment, it appeared his ghosts had abandoned him, that he would pull through.
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When her parents visited, they tried not to bother anybody, inhabiting the guest room like ghosts, treading lightly.
But Colombian President Alvaro Uribe's campaign of arrests and extraditions made ghosts of the Medellin and Cali cartels.
Reading The Ghosts of Manhattan, it is easy to understand how the worst of Wall Street came apart.
FORBES: Book Review: Douglas Brunt's "The Ghosts of Manhattan"
Perhaps the biggest moment in the Xbox reveal focused on the new Call of Duty: Ghosts game from Activision.
FORBES: Here's The New 'Call Of Duty: Ghosts' From Activision
In this game, a timid Luigi travels through more mansions and captures more ghosts using his upgraded Poltergust 5000.
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Employees wandered the halls in a stupor, as if seeing the ghosts of former colleagues in the now-vacant offices.
Has the ubiquity of personal video cameras unintentionally disproven the existence of ghosts?
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The Giants and Niners play the second game Sunday, in a Candlestick that's burned out but brimming with ghosts.
They even invoked the ghosts of their Victorian forebears to justify their actions.
However, the ghosts of past failures continue to get in her way of putting the company back on track.