Parents and grandparents can open accounts and the amounts that you can save are substantial because of rules that allow you to contribute an amount equal to the annual gift limit for 5-years in one lump sum (once you do that you cannot gift any money for the next five years).
My gift was founding Money Wise Women to educate and empower women to live financially healthy.
Even the new government led by President Nicos Anastasiades, elected last month with a mandate to agree a bailout, loudly opposed winding up the bust banks, hoping the euro zone would gift Cyprus the money rather than impose losses on depositors.
This coming Saturday's release of the LeBron 9 Freegums shoe will come at a time when shoppers are armed with gift cards and Christmas money, he said.
While I was blessed to have the gift of time and money, the future was still quite uncertain for my 14 year old son and my 8 year old daughter.
He says some foreign donors had earmarked money as a gift for him.
This money, the marathon, like Virginia Tech, like Aurora, Colorado, like the Indiana State Fair, like Newtown, is a gift - private, donated money.
NPR: Managing The $30 Million 'One Fund' To Aid Boston Victims
But he and Ms el-Mahroug both say the money was a gift: the prime minister took pity on her after hearing her claim to have escaped from a violent father.
Sometimes, a well-thought out gift is better than just throwing money at a big-ticket item.
The business you purchased from will donate up to 30% of the money spent on your gift certificate to the project you selected.
If any are found, it is up to you to provide documentation showing that you did not give the money away as a gift.
The Gift Aid scheme is for gifts of money by individuals who pay UK tax, and allows the charity to reclaim the basic rate tax on the donation.
An Islamic bank cannot offer a fixed interest rate to those who trust their savings to it for safekeeping, but it can give them a gift that acknowledges the time value of money in appreciation for the use of funds by the bank.
If you are owed money, for example because your gift card was not settled or your goods were not delivered, you are a creditor.
BBC: When stores go bust: How to get your money or goods back has what looks at first a very simple, indeed unbelievable, pitch: it will pass on 100% of the money you raise in donations and Gift Aid to your chosen cause.
Others, like the midwestern attorney, worry that if they give money to grandchildren through the Uniform Gift to Minors Act, the kids will blow it on cars instead of college.
At this time her husband told her that he had received a sum of money that he thought was a gift but which had been classified by the Inland Revenue as earnings, so that tax had to be paid on it.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In Full: Tony Blair's statement
Consumers Union, Consumer Federation and other advocacy groups asked the Federal Trade Commission in September to help prevent gift card losses by requiring retailers to put money from card sales in a separate trust fund that would be affected by a bankruptcy.
Another money savings tip is to buy discounted gift cards to use for your holiday shopping.
More and more often, couples are requesting a gift of the one thing they need most: money.
Officials said the money would be deposited in the government gift chest along with other official gifts.
Using your crafting ability will give you an opportunity to invest less money, but create a more meaningful gift.
Why would the school shovel still more money to an employee as a parting gift before he heads off to Wall Street?
Or do we want to rethink gift-giving all together and instead donate time or money to charitable causes and enjoy ourselves by simply spending time together?
When children are small, the gifts pour in from relatives, and we decided why not save money and make sure the one especially wanted gift was there and forget the rest.
Advisers say some clients are waiting until Dec. 31 to make gifts to grandchildren in case Congress acts before then and to guard against the risk of paying a gift tax and then dying in 2010, when the money can be passed down estate tax-free.
This holiday season, however, may prove to be a little different, as there is less money to spend and fewer co-workers on gift lists.
Just inside the restaurants, sweet smells from scented candles and candies dominate the air inside a gift shop where diners are tempted to spend more time and money on their visits.
FORBES: Relax In Your Rocker, Snack On Cracker Barrel's Tasty Dividend
He has admitted sending her money, but insists the funds were meant as a gift.
You can give the money to someone (including the child) as a gift and have that person contribute.