Old-Economy Hedges If tech makes you nervous, then fashion a portfolio going somewhat lighter on Gilder.
Fiddle around with the percentage of Gilder vs. your own hedges until you're comfortable.
Gilder skeptics--and there remain many--argued that Gilder's self-taught methods produced more fiction than science.
Gilder has since added Novell to his Telecosm portfolio on the strength of Schmidt's "storewidth" vision.
To get finer about it, Gilder is pure chips, storage, fiber optics and wireless.
Broadcom, JDS, Uniphase, Sun, Lucent and MCI WorldCom came straight out of Gilder's Telecosm.
Time, to borrow a theme from our FORBES colleague George Gilder, is the new scarcity.
But as Charlie Burger (an analyst with Gilder Technlogy Report) says, you cannot prevail by shrinking.
The futurist George Gilder wrote about this a few years ago in a Forbes publication.
Forbes' own Gilder Technology Report has performed terribly since the tech stock bubble burst.
What Gilder and others have discovered is that the subject of weather is an extraordinarily complex subject.
Cobble together your own portfolio consisting of Gilder Telecosm stocks, hedged by instruments of your own liking.
It is Gilder's own admiration for Israel's exceptional achievements that puts paid Walt and Mearshimer's second argument.
Gilder's book is a unique and necessary contribution to the current international debate about the Middle East.
Click here to separate the diamonds from the dogs with a special report from the Gilder Technology Report.
Gilder predicted the computer boom, and later, in his book Microcosm, the Internet, with greater specificity than anyone.
In the first issue of Forbes ASAP, in late 1992, we ran the kickoff to George Gilder's Telecosm series.
Charlie Burger is an analyst and editor for the Gilder Technology Report.
The high technology guru George Gilder and I have had a long-standing debate.
Gilder (a friend and mentor) also restates a defining, contrarian, and still-too-little-understood theme of the original Wealth and Poverty.
Gilder generally avoids software, but I've always regarded Inktomi's software search engine as the beating pulse of the Net.
It was Gilder's instinct as an investor that prompted him to form a collecting team with Lehrman in 1990.
As a Silicon Valley resident in his mid-40s, I feel perfectly comfortable with five Gilder stocks and five hedges.
And lively contemporary writers, too, such as Tom Wolfe, George Gilder and P.
Mr. Gilder is a founder of the Discovery Institute and author of "The Israel Test" (Richard Vigilante Books, 2009).
Over lunch one day "Lew told me, 'You can't take a battlefield home and look at it, '" recalls Gilder.
Due to what Gilder calls "regulatory sclerosis, " demand for last-mile broadband fiber is going unmet in the United States.
Gilder also referenced a quote by Google chairman (and former CEO) Eric Schmidt when talking about the Cloud.
My friend George Gilder thinks entrepreneurs are on the side of God.
George Gilder , with whom I've had a running debate on the subject for years, certainly believes this is true.