"This is the best Mother's Day I could ever have, " said Nancy Ruiz, Gina's mother.
President Obama has nominated Gina McCarthy to succeed Lisa Jackson as EPA administrator.
This is the league that Gina Rinehart hopes to play in with Roy Hill.
It was all more fuel for the Gina obsession, already raging across the federation.
The first was a young employee of the family firm, whom Gina soon divorced.
It was his daughter, Gina, who lived by herself in a horse stable in Belmont.
"They will not testify on anything relating to executive privilege, " said Justice Department spokeswoman Gina Talamona.
CNN: Justice to provide only limited testimony at FALN hearing
Gina has become something else, particularly for the company to which the character is commercially associated.
Gina Kolata looks at the science and history of America's love affair with exercise.
Gina McDade, Mr. McDade's wife, saw Nancy from time to time at the local grocery store.
The others held -- Berry, her 6-year-old daughter and Georgina "Gina" DeJesus -- are back with relatives.
In 1965, Funicello married her agent, Jack Gilardi, and they had three children, Gina, Jack and Jason.
Christine Hirtzel, according to the suit filed by his wife, Gina, in Queens Supreme Court last week.
The event was scheduled long before Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight were found alive in Cleveland.
"I think the Democrat majority will do anything to get it passed, " Gina Ryan of Great Falls, Va.
Works by Gina Bianco, Madeleine Castaing, Martin Szekely, Pierre Charpin and Marc Newson have become her signature pieces.
Gina Miller, founder of charitable foundation Miller Philanthropy, explains what she looks for in organisations she donates to.
After the incident, "we saw the kid laid out on the floor, " said Gina Ortiz, 38, Mr. Rivera's wife.
The friend said that Gina is asking for her old friends to visit.
In Rhode Island, the Arnolds were impressed by state Treasurer Gina Raimondo, a Democrat, who spearheaded the pension changes.
That behavior, according to Tyler Seau and Junior's ex-wife Gina, included wild mood swings, irrationality, forgetfulness, insomnia and depression.
WSJ: Junior Seau: NIH Study Finds Football Star Had Brain Disease
As Assistant EPA Administrator, Gina has focused on practical, cost-effective ways to keep our air clean and our economy growing.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President in Personnel Announcements
The night Gina disappeared, "Arlene was supposed to come to her house so they could go skating, " Ms. Brown said.
Several top Bradley campaign aides are now working for Dean, including national spokesman Jay Carson and political director Gina Glantz.
Police then entered the house at 2207 Seymour Avenue and escorted out the other two women: Michelle Knight and Gina DeJesus.
Police then entered the house at 2207 Seymour Ave. and escorted out the other two women: Michelle Knight and Gina DeJesus.
She tearfully described being embarrassed and devastated upon learning of her father's suspected role in her good friend Gina DeJesus' kidnapping.
And so Gina Rinehart, for all her personal wealth, is not a particularly big fish in the pond of Australian mining.
"If they did ask, the customer comes first so we would do it, " says Gina Curtis, secretary to chef Alain Roux.
Berry, 27, and Gina DeJesus, 22, were welcomed home Wednesday by jubilant crowds of loved ones and neighbors with balloons and banners.