The AG is also questioning the promoted effects of ingredients like B-vitamins and ginseng.
"Many foods naturally have the ability to prevent disease, like green tea, grapeseed, ginger and ginseng, " Huang explains.
The contents: capsules of ginseng extract, which is widely believed to promote virility.
It is thought ingredients in ginseng improve the immune system by stimulating immunoglobin - proteins that act as antibodies.
They were sending roots dug in the forest that they not were fond of eating, particularly a root called American ginseng.
In recent years, South Koreans have opened a fabrics factory, hotels and several food processing plants, especially for ginseng, popular with Koreans.
Ginseng (Panax ginseng), Forsythia ovata and other native plants are protected here.
Dr Jim Kennedy, prescribing spokesman of the Royal College of GPs, said patients often asked about whether ginseng helped to protect against colds.
For instance, Olympic sprinter Linford Christie was cleared of wrongdoing despite failing a drugs test when it was discovered he had drunk ginseng tea.
Essential oils cannot be patented and are cheap and heat-processed ginseng is already patented and expensive (although similar results may be attained by steaming ginseng for three hours).
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The line is based on antioxidant-rich green tea, bamboo sap, and red ginseng, which the company cultivates at its own farms on Jeju Island off the coast of Korea.
The other potentially tainted Odwalla flavors are: Mango Tango, Super Protein, Strawberry Banana Smoothie, Raspberry Smoothie, C-Monster, Mo'Beta, Femme Vitale, Strawberry C- Monster, Superfood, Serious Ginseng and Deep in Peach.
It may even be that, like Viagra, society largely welcomes the arrival of a chemical that does, far better, what omega-3s, ginseng, vitamins and all the other quackery have failed to do.
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Monster touts the ingredients taurine, ginseng, L-Carnitine and B-vitamins in big letters across the top of its tall black cans, part of an "energy blend'' the company's website says "packs a vicious punch.
Such rival brands are emphasizing their quality to health seekers like Shirley Palmer, 66, a Los Angeles writer who pops ginkgo and ginseng and a handful of vitamins on the say-so of friends and news reports.
And what you'll find in the Midwest, the Hmong population - there's a lot of ginseng farming, not that push for educational attainment and just, in general, those groups still don't overshadow the fact that even East Asian descent Asian-Americans have higher rates of poverty and still higher rates of not having a high school education or less than a high school education, as well.