For the masses, Giordano has opened three Blue Star stores in the suburbs of Hong Kong.
Giordano Ladies is meanwhile targeting a very select demographic: young trendy women who like personalized service.
Lau and his team play down the obvious comparisons between Giordano and the U.S.-based Gap.
As it seeks to make these transformations, Giordano has an advantage: wide brand recognition.
There is a boring Luca Giordano and a meretricious pair of Mel Ramos breasts.
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However, according to Giordano, this important element of policy often does not receive the attention it requires.
Lieberman won his third Senate term by beating out his Republican challenger, Waterbury, Connecticut, Mayor Phillip Giordano.
The report, conducted by independent international corporate identity consultant Interbrand, placed Giordano at No. 20 on the list.
Since it was launched in April, Giordano has sold over a million pairs of khaki trousers and shorts.
But all of the turbulent history, including Asia's recent economic Crisis, may pale next to Giordano's new challenges.
Giordano's management also took the opportunity to overhaul the company's inventory system, improving the operation's just-in-time supply chain.
China was still the low-cost producer, but its weak distribution system couldn't support Giordano's new emphasis on streamlined delivery.
Italian astronomer Giordano Bruno, an Italian philosopher who argued that the universe was infinite, was burned at the stake.
Robert Giordano, of the Oklahoma City suburb of Edmond, said he last spoke to his wife, Shannon, on Monday.
In a study released earlier this year of top Asian marquees, Giordano turned up as Asia's highest-ranking general apparel retailer.
In 1975, he set up a garment factory that would eventually become Giordano and take the Asian retail clothing scene by storm.
Northampton County Judge Emil Giordano is presiding over the nonjury trial and will issue a ruling on Thode's lawsuit after testimony concludes.
The works include masterpieces by Guercino, Guido Reni, Domenichino, Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini, Giuseppe Maria Crespi, Ludovico Carracci, Luca Giordano and Pietro de Cortona.
The bass player Garry Tallent, the organist Charlie Giordano, and the pianist Roy Bittan horsed around on a roller-rink tune while they waited.
Another conversion that has begun at Giordano is to expand the company into a multi-brand conglomerate that can reach a variety of market segments.
"Since it was started, Giordano has always been about affordable fashion, " says Garrett Bennett, the Giordano executive director in charge of merchandising and operations.
"Giordano has done well, but on a world stage, the label is not really there yet, " says Shauna Li, associate director with Interbrand's Singapore office.
So far, Giordano's "Simply Khaki" line has been simply a success.
The upgrading of Giordano's cachet is an attempt to change that.
In a sense, Giordano is racing the clock: Can it successfully reposition itself before the 900-pound gorilla of affordable fashion retailing, Gap, decides to invade Asia?
More fundamentally, however, in recent years Giordano has changed its corporate culture to concentrate on such soft skills as inventory management, store layout, service and style.
"These latest Nikon COOLPIX digital cameras reflect hallmarks of the COOLPIX line: performance, design and innovation, " said Bill Giordano, general manager marketing, COOLPIX for Nikon Inc.
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Giordano attempted to create an entirely new Asian retailing experience, one characterized by aggressively courteous staff and a low-priced, high-volume line of colorful T-shirts and comfortable pants.
"The Wi-Fi Alliance's Miracast certification program will allow for easy sharing of video content, regardless of vendor, " said Bart Giordano, Director, Wireless Marketing at Marvell Semiconductor, Inc.