My middle school English teacher and the film His Girl Friday, starring Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell, made me more interested in journalism.
Remember 'His Girl Friday' and how they talked in that picture?
Freda Radcliff, who led Hailey's Angels, an organization dedicated to finding the girl, attended Friday's news conference.
The Last Exorcism, which opens Friday, concerns a young girl who may or may not be possessed by the devil (hence the exorcism).
On Friday a 14-year-old girl was stabbed in the eye as she fought off two men who attempted to rape her.
Anthony Craig, 18, also testified Friday that he saw Richmond digitally penetrate the girl in the basement.
Evan Westlake, 18, told the judge on Friday that he saw Richmond digitally penetrate the girl in the basement.
Texas Rangers informed the girl's mother, Billie Jean Dunn, on Friday afternoon at her Austin home, said her attorney, John Young.
Evan Westlake, 18, a Steubenville football and baseball player, told the judge on Friday that he saw Richmond digitally penetrate the girl in the basement.
Now she wants to adopt a girl, and a judge has said she will have to wait until Friday to see if she will get the go-ahead.
As news of the rape became public Friday, protesters gathered outside the hospital in east Delhi where the girl was initially treated.
The seven-year-old girl was swimming with her family in a remote waterhole in the Northern Territory on Friday, when a saltwater crocodile attacked and dragged her under.
BBC: Fears for Australia missing girl after crocodile attack
"On Friday evening in a bus station or tram station in Zurich a young girl of 16 years old was shot ... crime is everywhere, " added the Swiss.
On Friday he acknowledged that he had made online contact with a 17-year-old girl but said nothing inappropriate had taken place.
BBC: Anthony Weiner 'to seek help' after lewd photos scandal