But they give an idea of what is needed, and cannot be supplied locally.
Alpha-testing looks back in time and allows the student to give an idea of how well a factor worked with respect to returns and other statistics.
Tell shareholders what companies they use for comparisons of CEO pay, and give them an idea of what rewards their competitors give their CEOs.
This is not meant to be an exhaustive checklist, but should give you an idea of what to look out for.
Women like Pirtle, who are still grieving but are able to smile and embrace the positive aspects of their lives, give Weikel an idea of what her own life might be like a year or two from now.
But these two features should help point you in the direction of the game makers and give you an idea of where to look and how to get playing.
The main purpose of the seminar was to give an general idea of current state of ground water in Uzbekistan, scientific-educational activities and the area of usage of underground water and determination of future trends relating to improvement of research methods and educational approaches with development of practical recommendations.
An hour runs about 930, 000 points, to give you an idea of the scale in effect here.
Can you give us an idea of what transpired between that point and now?
The auction houses need to give bidders an idea of how much a painting will go for.
Mapping out your favourite attractions will give you an idea of the best course to chart around town.
The result can give you an idea of what someone might be willing to pay for the business.
To give hopefuls an idea of the neighbors they might encounter, the TV company turned to a Hollywood supply firm.
Tocqueville 's excellent French-American fare and smooth service give you an idea of what's meant by a civilized dinner out.
And, even if you don't speak Japanese, the video after the break will give you an idea of what to expect.
ENGADGET: Japan's LED-stacked cubesat will burn Morse code into the heavens
The following tables will give you an idea of the amount required per year with different time horizons and rates of return.
Informal price targets give him an idea of when to cash out.
Formations give players an idea of how they might want to view themselves on the field, but they're never a decisive factor in the game.
WSJ: Euro 2012: Germany, Italy and the Fraudulence of Soccer Formations
The site even offers estimated reading times, to give you an idea of how long a story might entertain you during your flight, train ride or afternoon by the pool.
To give one an idea of exactly how bizarre the application of a seemingly simple concept like sustainability has become, consider the proposed Oregon Sustainability Center in Portland.
FORBES: Sustainability -- I Do Not Think That Word Means What You Think It Means
Pop in the level of coverage you want (LTE, 4G, 3G, 2G, or roaming), and the networks you want to check out, and the app will do the rest to give you an idea of the coverage available.
FORBES: Check Out Cellular Data Coverage In Advance With 'Coverage?' For iOS
Britain to a housing-led expansion, and America in 100 days of Franklin D Rooseveltturned its economy towards demand managed recovery, creating 12 million jobs in five years (to give you an idea of how, 40, 000 of them were state employed actors and theatre directors).
"Just to give you an idea of how uneven the playing field is, I met Katumbi in Harare when I watched TP Mazembe play the Zimbabwean champions, " said Steve Bloomfield, foreign editor of Monocle magazine and author of the book Africa United: How Football Explains Africa.
The flexibility of the system means that although "typical" case-studies will be circulated to try to give people an idea of how they do under the new system, in reality for many in the NHS it will be hard to work out how much they will benefit.
To give you an idea of how widespread the problem is, a new study to be published in the Journal of Finance and Quantitative Analysis finds that option volume in a specific stock begins to surge three days before unannounced analyst upgrades or downgrades of a company.
Would that give readers an accurate idea of the results of those reforms?
FORBES: Rep. Paul Ryan's Budget Plan Reframes the 2012 Elections
Go ahead and give 'em an idea of the premium you'd pay in comments if these were released in limited quantities.
The Angolan Africa Cup of Nations is arguably the continent's most important -- with South Africa hosting Africa's first World Cup finals in the same year -- it will give the world an idea of just how strong teams like Drogba's Ivory Coast, Essien's Ghana and Eto'o's Cameroon will be in football's showpiece event in June.
CNN: African Cup of Nations shows glimpse of football's future