When Kohlberg Kravis Roberts leveraged Storer Broadcasting, Drexel created a payment-in-kind preferred as the junior security and insisted KKR give warrants to buy common stock as a sweetener.
And as we give thanks for our security, let's in turn thank those who've sacrificed to make it possible, wherever they may be.
The government accepted amendments put forward by crossbencher Lord Pannick that would give security officers at the Supreme Court the same powers as those at other courts.
The ads to most watch out for are those pretending to offer a job but are really trying to get you to give up personal information, such as a bank-account or Social Security number.
He also paid tribute to the soldiers who died and said it was "a reminder of the high price we have paid as a country to help give this country a chance of safety and security in the future".
As our economic recovery continues, we must keep working to give them the security they deserve, and to widen the circle of opportunity for all who are working hard to get ahead.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Proclamation -- National Family Week, 2012
It would give Obama the opportunity to position himself as the person really standing behind a robust national security state.
As well as seeking job-security, sararimen have traditionally looked to the workplace to give them status, a social life and pay set according to seniority.
We believe that that will give Afghanistan the best chance of success as it begins to take on more responsibility for its own security.
The Cyber Security Act of 2012 aims to give the Department of Homeland Security the power to mandate the security level in industries it deems as critical infrastructure, such as power and telecommunications, water treatment facilities and wireless providers.
FORBES: Why The Cyber Security Act Might Not Be Good For Business
It is also to prevent the government -- give safe space to the Afghan government as it continues to take control, and to give us a time to train up Afghan national security forces, which we are doing.
Congress could either provide guidelines to the executive on how default spending reduction is to occur or it could give the president authority, after paying all interest on the debt and Social Security payments, to whittle spending down as it sees fit to squeeze it within the debt limit.