They say I will give you a hand out or include you in a program for your vote.
On Tuesday, Social Justice Minister Edwina Hart was on hand to help give out carrot soup.
Last year, Rwanda moved thousands of civilians into specially created settlements in order to give its troops a freer hand to clean out the interahamwe.
On the other hand, stockbrokers and insurance agents can give out names of clients because they are not RIAs who are held to the higher standard.
We wonder what kind of wardrobe transgressions Ford has seen to give her such a well-defined set of standards to hand out to employees?
In the States, many companies offer military discounts for serving soldiers, sports teams give out free tickets, people in the street shake the hand of men in uniform.
As well as issuing fines, the enforcement officers will also hand out health board information to offenders on how to give up smoking and where cessation clinics can be found.
BBC: Cardiff and Vale hospital patients face cigarette fines
Eventually, the cabinet decided to hand out another 50 billion rupees in pay and arrears, and to give up the plan to abolish the 350, 000 vacant posts and reduce casual leave.
If users want to be able to hand out their phone number and address, for whatever reason, then they can give applications permission to access it.
FORBES: C'mon, Congressmen, Facebook Should Be Our Phonebook
The run-rate did not get out of hand, and Broad had Akmal caught behind in the fifth over to give England an important foothold.
Some doctors like Dr. Seigel hand out a business card with their email to every patient, but others say they only give it when asked.