The changing climate will affect more than the mountains and the spectacular glacial views.
Golzernsee itself is a small alpine lake in a glacial trough, perfect for summer swims and picnics.
"ICCAT moves at glacial speeds, " moans Glenn Delaney, one of its three U.S. commissioners.
All of this occurs at a glacial pace, quarters and years, but it does occur.
He attacked the "glacial speed" at which decisions were being made about building future airports.
Even a month would be enviable in medicine, where innovations commonly spread at a glacial pace.
He adds that progress is being made--particularly in Continental Europe--even if the pace is glacial.
Serge Belamant, the 53-year-old founder and chief executive, blames the glacial advance on bureaucracy.
Neanderthals abandoned the site during the coldest, glacial phases, when much of Britain was frozen.
Doubts over Fidel's role have meant that change has so far proceeded at a glacial pace.
But your correspondent is not sure that more raw speed will solve the glacial loading problem.
ECONOMIST: The faster the internet becomes, the slower it loads pages
In this slow-growth stronghold, anything other than a glacial pace of development is anathema.
But what we're finding is that a significant amount may have been sequestered in glacial deposits.
The pace in Washington, on the other hand, is glacial under the best of circumstances.
FORBES: What Does Silicon Valley Need from Washington? Less.
Glacial melting has led to flooding and thawing permafrost has led to mudslides.
As for the game itself, though it had excitements, the pace of five-day matches could be glacial.
The spread of private provision into core public services like medical care or schools has been glacial.
Notwithstanding the presence of other cruise ship passengers, visitors also get to experience a glacial solitude that freezes the present.
He now admits to having been disappointed at the "glacial pace" of change that his recommendations brought about.
In the face of such pressing need, the main feature of London's plans has been their glacial slowness.
The digital era is unlike the first century of wireless communication, when gadgets were analog and technological progress glacial.
More has been promised, but the response has again been glacial and incomplete.
Compared with the glacial pace of past years, Syria has seen a whirlwind of economic reforms in recent months.
However, given the glacial pace at which the organisation moves, this may not provide a good enough emergency response.
ECONOMIST: The American Association for the Advancement of Science
And some experts see signs of a glacial shift in China's security strategy.
We all know the glacial speed at which laws and regulations get revised.
FORBES: Congress Needs to Go Back To School on Cyber Legislation
The trial has been moving at a glacial pace, but Mr Sharpton eventually took the witness stand on February 9th.
One early-morning buzz around snow-topped Mount Kenya later, we landed near a glacial lake for a bracing bit of fly-fishing.
Rent a canoe or book a guided tour and enjoy winding your way down glacial waterways through old growth forests.
Back on board en route to Severobaikalsk, the land become mountainous and we passed dense forest bisected by wide rivers and glacial streams.