• They did a 10-month remodeling that included making a television room out of a screened porch while preserving original details like the pecky cypress ceilings in the living room and library, the handblown stained-glass panes in the powder-room door and the Cuban tile floors in the dining room.

    WSJ: A Modest Home for Palm Beach | Open House

  • The screen of the Etch-A-Sketch is glass, and when you shake the Etch-A-Sketch, the powder coats the inside of the glass.

    FORBES: How Does An Etch A Sketch Work, Anyway?

  • Behind a tinted glass panel 18-carat gold powder, laid down by a robot arm, sparkles as a laser fuses the metal into complex three-dimensional shapes, layer by layer.

    BBC: How tech is transforming jewellery

  • The "stone" walls are actually a mix of cement powder and crushed beer bottle or windshield glass.

    CNN: Catalog company going lean and green

  • But if you heat up the alloy until it liquefies--Branagan's powder must be heated to 1, 200 degrees Celsius and applied with a thermal spray gun--it turns into an ashy powder as it cools, a metallic glass with "frustrated" molecules, as Branagan calls them, anxious to form a lattice, but confined by their inability to move.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Mr. Zehetbauer says his girlfriend complains that the door on the powder room on the main level is made of glass ("I tell her it's frosted glass, " he said).

    WSJ: The Twin Houses of an Odd Couple

  • Sliding glass doors lead out to a side deck and then up a set of stairs to a roof lounge with powder-coated aluminum railings and cedar decking.

    WSJ: Building Outside the Box

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