Also, I take excessive pleasure in returning several months' worth of our own empties at once, feeding them into our supermarket's can, glass and plastic recycling machines and departing with a heroic amount of cash sometimes as much as seven or eight dollars that I can spend on anything I want.
The galleries will be situated within walls of painted, waxed concrete (one of Mr Ando's favourite materials) and enveloped in glass, through which visitors can view the site's landscaped grounds and reflecting pond.
Scientists in Israel have shown that drinking a daily glass of the fruit's juice can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Today it's spread out in a laboratory at the museum behind a glass wall where the public can watch as it's restored.
The deeper wisdom in bringing in Mr McCain is that he is a glass through which New York's sceptical voters can see Mr Giuliani's considerable virtues more clearly.
And you can see the glass is old, it's irregular, which is good.
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Instead of reaching for a phone, which can absorb a person's full attention, Glass brings the notifications directly into the line of sight.
That should sound familiar to fans of Google Glass, but by using Epson's binocular displays, these smart glasses can convey depth in a way Mountain View's monocle cannot. (Not to mention that Glass doesn't even do AR apps... yet).
Turn a corner and you can sneak a furtive look inside Anschutz's office: glass walls lined with books, deal mementos and model trains.
He says half of the ash coming out of U.S. waste-to-energy plants is glass and metal, stuff that can be recycled.
Under ultraviolet light and a magnifying glass, any one of these thousands of dots can reveal the host vehicle's unique identity number.
Since reds are more delicate and sensitive to flight, Moorfield admits that the Economy Class offerings can't compare with a glass at a wine-buff's dinner party.
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"I want to be able to be satisfied and say with confidence to the public-that the Met has done everything it can to identify the officers involved, " Deborah Glass, the IPCC's deputy chair and commissioner for London, said in a statement.
"A piece of glass can be both transparent and reflective at the same time, depending on how it's situated relative to the audience, " said Mr. Steinmeyer, pointing out the secret.
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Mr Tanaka's administration in Nagano has become so transparent that he even sits behind glass walls, through which voters can see their governor at work.
His colored glass cubes demonstrate the flexibility of design today: The pieces, reminiscent of children's building blocks, can be mounted on top of each other to make shelves or placed sideways to form coffee tables.
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When having a casual chat with someone wearing Glass, it can take effort to not stare directly at the shiny gadget instead of into the person's eyes.
One side of the silicon can then be etched down to within a fraction of a hair's width of the glass layer, leaving the other side as a support.
Holding it in your hand, you can tell the Samsung phone's plastic parts are a bit cheaper than Apple's luxury glass-and-metal components.
He's extra careful because he recently broke its glass chimney, so the flame burns without protection from the winds that can pick up suddenly.
"Those of us who grew up before Margaret Thatcher was even in Downing Street can sometimes fail to appreciate the thickness of the glass ceiling she broke through - from a grocer's shop in Grantham to the highest office in the land, " he said.