Outside, a group of women banter with the waiter as he refills their glasses with red wine.
The Justice sported long sideburns and Buddy Holly glasses long after they were fashionable.
Officials found four USB sticks on him containing sensitive information in a glasses case.
Pub landlords in Nottinghamshire have been warned they could be forced to use plastic glasses.
Those shouting loudest were rewarded with cheers and raised pint glasses from the crowd.
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The victim is described as white, 5ft, slim, with shoulder length brown hair and glasses.
The defendant, Ty Canning, polishing his glasses on the end of his tie, had shown none.
Also on the table are a compass, map, knife, dark glasses and small mobile phone.
It was fitted into a pair of glasses by scientists in Germany, in 2009.
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They may not even have a concept of a simple computer, let alone Google Glasses.
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Falwell glanced up at Godwin through his large aviator glasses, startled by his concern.
As the name implies, SMART Glasses are much more than just a wearable TV.
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Heeringa is described as 5-foot-1, 110 pounds with blond hair, blue eyes and wearing wire-rimmed glasses.
Det Ch Insp Ian Pollard said it showed him wearing glasses which significantly changed his appearance.
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The grandmother only got her new glasses whipped off and smashed to the ground.
Other important vision tools include bifocals, the monocle, contact lenses, sunglasses and safety glasses.
He had large ice-blue eyes, round glasses, and the rubbery cheeks of a kindergartner.
The glasses will be able to connect to Wi-Fi and incorporate augmented reality into gaming.
Now more than 10 million glasses of Guinness are drunk every day around the world.
He took out his hearing aids, doffed his glasses and slid inside the MRI tube.
Think that only a tech giant like Google can make next generation augmented-reality glasses?
Stringer early on startedd talking up 3D, while wearing a silly looking pair of 3D glasses.
Without enough pairs of compatible glasses, some people end up staring at a blurry screen.
He could, of course, improve his sight with glasses or contact lenses, but chooses not to.
"You should see how he gets after a few glasses of wine, " says Della Valle.
He began serving drinks in 16-inch-tall glasses that hold just shy of a quart.
One at a time, we spritzed the glasses and added a touch of cold vodka.
Some lady in the can-eyed glasses with the sweater with the chain is going shh.
They also use customized instruments to reach the nerves and magnification glasses to see them.
She was kind of vague there, so he put his glasses back on, and saw them.