They were gleeful and full of hope about this new turn in our lives.
People who secretly feel like fakes and are feeling either gleeful or ashamed about it.
The New York Times captured the gleeful mood as the market approached its next goal post.
In reality, the Duma's obstruction would be motivated largely by the gleeful prospect of disorder.
An inkjet printer was apparently the closest thing to hand, a gleeful Tory peer tells me.
Last week it wasn't just Bush's gleeful rivals who were saying he should confess any relevant sins.
Tom Daschle was the head of the Senate Democrats until his South Dakota seat was taken by gleeful Republicans in 2004.
"No one really gave us a shot, " a gleeful Justin Tuck said after all those longshots indeed came in.
Terroir's gleeful myopia is sure to spark debate into the wee hours.
BBC: A New York City bar crawl: A long day��s drinking into night
It must be tough for a band with a gleeful love of its record collection and an abundance of hyperactive ideas.
The weather forecaster on the local television station was almost gleeful as he described the forecast for this weekend as frigid.
For one British man, this gleeful, hectoring broadcast brought back familiar memories.
But they never find their own equivalent to his suave, sneaky-gleeful subversiveness.
Instead, the breakdown has left one part of the unionist community unconvinced of Mr Trimble's negotiating skills, the other gleeful at the disarray.
They make a gleeful racket, smashing together French chanson, American garage rock, and Beatle-esque pop, with Casio keyboard vamps and quirky computer sampling.
In the end, Lewis, Miller, and the screenwriters may have gone too far in their gleeful celebration of Beane and their denigration of scouts.
It is an annual event - one gleeful crowd jumping in the waves, another playing football on the beach, and another idling in the lagoon.
The product in question is Free, a soda pop celebrated in the commercial with images of gleeful guzzlers that include dancers and rockers, plus a blissed-out mime.
Reports from the gleeful New York tabloids indicate that Tortorella's overbearing personality, his harsh treatment of players in public and private just ran its course, as it usually does with coaches like him.
Anthony would later claim that during the game Garnett had said "certain things you just don't say to another man, " and there was gleeful, junior-high-schoolish speculation about what exactly these "certain things" were.
For their part, Democrats, gleeful that their president enjoys a double-digit poll lead over Mr Romney on foreign policy, were painting the Republican as a diplomatic lightweight long before trouble flared in Libya.
Republicans are gleeful at the prospect that - with just three weeks to go to the November 2nd mid-term elections - they are poised to make significant gains in both the House and Senate.
Waters was gleeful at having made a teen-message movie with a PG rating: He was, after all, the Prince of Puke, the man who'd ended Pink Flamingos with his homicidal heroine eating a fresh doggy turd.
Would a study showing that the Danes or Portuguese, say, washed less than their neighbours have had the same gleeful reception from the foreign press that greeted a report this past autumn about French frugality with hot water?
The Texas Congressman may be the most interesting phenomenon of this campaign, and his gleeful, impish speech extolling liberty and castigating government was a thing of freewheeling beauty in a world where so much is pre-planned, plotted and rehearsed.
One more bit of advice for Susan Patton's son: A lot of your mother's detractors seem gleeful at the thought that her notoriety will rub off on you to your disadvantage--that you'll be embarrassed and women will shun you.
However, on March 5, those of us who have long fancied ourselves as urban planners will get a completely modern version of "SimCity" to once again assist us in the gleeful neglect of our jobs, family, and personal hygiene.