They chose denial way back then, before the adult societal repercussions were even a glint on the horizon.
Markovics has a hatchet face, aggressive but guarded, even closed off, but with a glint in his eyes.
He refuses to say whether he will make such a move, but the glint in his eye speaks volumes.
Taylor becomes Richards, somehow capturing that glint in the Texan's eye, reveling in being her at her witty best.
First, just a glint of chrome radiator, a spark of light where the road bled itself into plowed field.
"This is the sort of situation I have been waiting for, " Hanif said with a glint in his eyes.
Uneven rows of padlocks glint beneath the sun, representing the lovers who signed them before flinging their keys into the river.
If there is a Volkswagen Way, it is to be determined, diligent and attentive to detail, with a glint of ruthlessness.
With a glint in his eye, Mahmoud, who's barely out of school himself, says "some ladies keep coming back until their 30s".
The glint said that Mr Jones doesn't believe they have, yet, managed to win the hearts and minds of the Welsh people.
Baby Spice has grown up and she still has that dreamy quality to make most stare at CD:UK with a wistful glint.
Then, with a mischievous glint in her eye, she demands that a beer-chugging contest take place between Brandon, her publicist SaraJane Lieb, and me.
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Any glint of presidential possibility would further boost his image abroad.
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With a knowing glint of fierce intelligence filtered through an unapologetically bratty attitude, Imani Coppola stakes her claim as the American Lily Allen all over Little Jackie's The Stoop.
It jarred Sasha to think of herself as a glint in the hazy memories that Alex would struggle to organize a year or two from now: Where was that place with the bathtub?
There he had little to add, not yet, though there were few in the room who hadn't spotted the glint in his eye when the future of Police and Crime Commissioners were mentioned.
We think of the steady stride, that tilt of the head and snap of the salute, the big screen smile and the glint in his Irish eyes when a story came to mind.
Glassy buildings glint in the hot sun, as cranes and foreign construction-workers line the shores of Tripoli and Benghazi, Libya's first and second cities, where stretches of sand stood empty a few years ago.
ECONOMIST: The capital is buzzing, even as the reformers take a knock
Lower on the totem pole will be the traders and farmers, Vaishyas, whose eyes glint at the thought of making money, and even further down, the menial workers or Shudras, who stand glum and silent.
He kept to the end of his life the delighted glint-in-the-eye of a boy who has been paid eight shillings and sixpence for playing the accordion in Plumstead Working Men's Club, and can't believe his luck.
In a spasm of temper Yvonne swung around and opened her hand, flinging away into the river something tiny that gave out one glint of light before it was swallowed without a splash, the water healing instantly behind it.
These mergers are being seen as a step towards the creation of global financial exchanges, a glint in the eye of anyone for whom the existence of the national bourse is as quaint as the existence of the national airline.
ECONOMIST: The prospect of a transatlantic merger is long overdue
Weisz has a lot of fun with the performance, with a glint of mischief in her eyes at all times and plenty of humorous lines to take the edge off a character who starts her manipulations the moment she appears on screen.
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