Walkie-talkies crackled, a police helicopter hovered overhead and acres of day-glo clothing were apparent on the guards monitoring the perimeter.
Glo Hotel Kluuvi (the older sibling of the new Glo Hotel Art) portrays true contemporary style, with minimalist furnishings and colourful fabrics throughout.
Those upgrading from the Kobo Touch will find the Glo's interface familiar.
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Once you get yourself elected president of the United States, you can wear fright wigs and Day-Glo track suits if you want.
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Aesthetically, the Mini's looks like a shrunken-down version of the Glo.
ENGADGET: Kobo Mini review: does the world need a smaller e-reader?
At some big intersections, cops in day-glo yellow vests directed traffic.
While the past few seasons in fashion have been awash in the Day-Glo trend, there really is no need for anything workout-related to be pink or purple.
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"We want to make people feel as if they are home, " says Wei Cheng, a hotel manager in Hangzhou, near Shanghai, although few Chinese homes have Day-Glo walls.
They challenged the British Royal Academy , prepping painting surfaces with white instead of muddy brown, going wild with day-glo colors, and, most importantly, imbuing sacred subjects with everyday realism.
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Her bed is under a mountain of stuffed animals, which all turn out to be frogs: bright green, light green, Day-Glo green, some with stuffed flies attached to their tongues.
As with the Glo, it's possible to snap the back of the device off, but unlike that larger reader, there's another level underneath that needs to be unscrewed if you want to swap out the battery.
ENGADGET: Kobo Mini review: does the world need a smaller e-reader?
Gail Berman (American Idol, 24) and Lloyd Braun (Lost) are the pair of Hollywood heavyweights behind BermanBraun, the 3 year old production company behind a suite of popular MSN-partnered web sites, including Wonderwall and Glo.
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Connie Fails, Lucille Fannin, Jimmie Lou Fisher, Dr. Robert Fiser, Susan Fleming, Victor Fleming, David Folsom, Judy Folsom, Bo Forney, Kay Fowler, Effie Frazier, George Frazier, Michelle Fritts, Glo Futrell, Woody Futrell, Elaine Geschwind, Mac Geschwind, Linda Gillespie, Dean Morton Gitelman, Alla Gladden, Robert Gladden, Ashley Glover, Margaret Gail Goodrum, Randy Goodrum, Linda Grimes, Libby Grobmyer, Mark Grobmyer Jr.
Kobo's calling the Mini "the world's smallest and lightest e-reader" -- a bit of a dubious claim (given the existence of the Txtr Beagle, for one), but it can certainly lay claim to being one of the most compact mainstream devices in the space at 4 x 5.2 x 0.4 inches, compared to 6.4 x 4.5 x 0.39 inches for the Kobo Glo.
ENGADGET: Kobo Mini review: does the world need a smaller e-reader?