Global governance is too important to be left to just one organization or group.
Instead, the book pushes for formal regulatory coordination and essentially, for expanded global governance.
One additional aspect of global governance failure under geopolitical risks also matters here indirectly.
First, global governance for a world economy that works for all people, not just a minority group.
The partnership accord covers the fight against corruption and fraud, global governance and reform of the security sector.
Thirdly, we also need global governance to face an array of new-generation challenges.
There was a recognition that current global governance and management vehicles have not kept up with technological advances and their implications.
This is also the right time to be talking about global governance.
The bill for the benefits of an open global economy has arrived, and it can only be paid in greater global governance.
Institutions and groupings that produce meaningful, positive change global governance for a better world will find themselves respected and in demand.
The reason why it is taking so long is that you have to create mechanism for global governance and buy-in, and that is difficult.
Side Events are a vital component of the sessions, as they provide opportunities for information dissemination, capacity building, policy discussions and legitimizing global governance.
And then, we should be able to agree on a comprehensive global governance structure to smoothly allow the channelling of this financial and technological support.
Global governance research firm GMI has been collecting data on clawback policies at all companies since 2006 when firms began to adopt these policies voluntarily.
Washington, New Hampshire recently to discuss global governance of financial capitalism.
We need global governance to address the threat of climate change.
If China could, it would likely be content to increase its shares of global GDP and military spending indefinitely without assuming proportional responsibility for global governance.
FORBES: China May Not Be A U.S. Ally, But It's Also Not An Adversary
The highlight of the morning was a plenary session led by President Nicolas Sarkozy of France on the role of the G20 in global governance.
The President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, told Forbes that global governance is extremely necessary if we want to prevent another financial crisis.
But it is at the United Nations with its universality, experience and operational presence in nearly every country where global governance can best come together.
He was positive about the value of the G20 as a positive instrument of global governance but he urged more focus on efficiency and action versus talking.
As a student in Vienna, he went to university armed with two Bengali tigers, though he has left them behind to study global governance at the London School of Economics.
During the 1Goal Education for All Summit held in Pretoria (South Africa) in July 2010, the Director-General argued for education to be made a top political priority of governments and global governance.
Moreover, Paul has spoken in warm support for the slave-owning Confederacy and the militia men who believe they must defend themselves against the Federal government and a web of global governance conspirators.
Future Earth will have a new global governance body and secretariat, building on the strengths of the existing core global environmental change programme, which are co-sponsored by ICSU and other members of the Alliance.
Education, however, is still not a top political priority of governments and global governance, said Ms Bokova, drawing attention to her efforts to place education on the G-20 agenda in the Republic of Korea in October.
It is not clear that the G20 can solve all this but I would agree with the President that it has to play a more significant role and more global governance must be vested in this group.
We need Asia's full engagement in the crises of our day on global governance and financial stability, on the great transitions under way in North Africa and the Middle East, on the whole range of challenges that affect us all.
In fact, as the president's speeches - especially those given at the United Nations in September - demonstrate, he entirely buys into the notion of "global governance, " with the United States in time subordinating elements of its sovereignty to international authority.