Before now, the global spread of the net has largely defeated attempts to restrict the spread of information on it.
But Napolitano and Sebelius stressed that would be a reflection of the global spread of the virus, not necessarily its severity.
Financial services firms were among the hardest-hit sectors Monday because of continued worries about the ongoing credit crisis and its global spread.
One user has compiled a map charting the Pi's global spread.
Partnering with Microsoft, they tracked the digital sharing and global spread.
Some 34 percent said the global spread of AIDS should be the top concern, and 23 percent said Africa should be the main focus of aid efforts.
Skittish health officials in Saudi Arabia have worked hard to quell fears that the pilgrimage -- the biggest yearly congregation of people in the world -- will contribute to the global spread of the virus, inviting international health experts to make recommendations and screening pilgrims as they arrive.
At the same time, Valence is seeing how the global slowdown spread.
The fundamentals of teamwork and communication are essential for any size company, especially large global brands spread across different countries and business units.
It is taking time, and a complete systems overhaul, for the global revolution to spread from bigger to smaller banks.
The increased global oil production is spread across the entire world, as the oil market is global.
We helped to win the indefinite extension of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, a powerful global barrier to the spread of nuclear weapons and their technology.
The report concludes that global warming favours the spread of disease especially if that warming leads to extreme weather events like Hurricane Katrina or the killer heat wave that struck France a few summers ago.
Secretary General Kofi Annan called for a "global New Deal" to spread the benefits across all countries.
UTest is an examplesof skilled work being spread across a global, engaged labor market, while Senti is an example of a hybrid, replacing computed intelligence with humans.
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But the damage is done: those temporary factors triggered a collapse in global demand that has now spread way beyond the Anglo-Saxon economies at the heart of the credit crisis.
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Over the past decade or so the just-in-time concept of having supplies delivered at the last minute, so as to keep inventories down, has spread down the global manufacturing chain.
By upholding our own commitments under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, we strengthen our global efforts to stop the spread of these weapons, and to ensure that other nations meet their own responsibilities.
"Malaria and dengue fever are two of the mosquito-borne diseases most likely to spread dramatically as global temperatures head upward, " said the Harvard Medical School's Paul Epstein in Scientific American in 2000, in a warning typical of many.
The United States has benefited as much as any other country from the free exchange of goods, the safety of global sea lanes, the spread of democracy and the great-power stability that have characterized the entire post-World War II era.
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And next month in New York, we will join with nations from around the world to strengthen the NPT as the cornerstone of our global efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons even as we pursue greater civil nuclear cooperation.
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Accordingly, there will exist opportunities every year for alarmists to exploit tornado outbreaks and spread the myth that global warming is to blame.
While the bank has cut down its exposure to the riskiest European economies, the risk remains that the debt issues could spread and further impact global economic conditions.
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President Bush's Proliferation Security Initiative is an example of a global strategy for dealing with the spread of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and missile-related materiel and technology.
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Albright proponents argue that in contrast to the reckless efforts of neoconservatives to spread democracy and promote global justice at the end of a gun, Albright got regime change right in the Balkans.
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Mr Smith points out that bigger foreign luxury car makers can spread their costs across a global market.
The speed of travel and just-in-time global supply chains means a pandemic can spread faster than ever before, with greater economic and health impacts than even before.
The effect is self-magnifying, Mussa says, because economic interconnectedness means a global downturn will happen more quickly, spread more widely and go deeper than it otherwise would.
He wants a global early-warning system for controlling the spread of missiles.
But these city-specific fleets have yet to spread much beyond Paris, making global programs like Zipcar, Hertz on Demand and Car2go better bets for globetrotting travellers.