Herbert, with his dark almond eyes in that globular head, had the most intense stare.
The globular star clusters that surround the Milky Way also seem to come in two age groups.
The black hole is located in a globular cluster associated with a galaxy named NGC 4472, some 55 million light-years away.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Black hole found in ancient lair
Celeriac is a celery variety refined over time to produce an increasingly large, solid, globular root just below the soil surface.
Using their least conservative assumptions, the researchers found that less than 2% of the globular clusters should contain intermediate mass black holes today.
"We were preparing for a long, systematic search of thousands of globular clusters with the hope of finding just one black hole, " said Dr Maccarone.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Black hole found in ancient lair
Now, astronomers have scoured one of the few suspected hiding spots for medium-sized black holes in a globular cluster, and conclude they are rare or nonexistent.
Led by George Daley of Children's Hospital in Boston, the researchers began their process by culturing mouse embryonic stem cells to form globular clusters called embryoid bodies.
Scientists had thought that medium black holes might lie hidden among millions of stars in globular clusters, which sit within galaxies containing hundreds of billions of stars.
It was only the second globular cluster we looked at.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Black hole found in ancient lair
Globular clusters are among the oldest structures in the Universe.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Black hole found in ancient lair
Since representing Brazil at the Venice Biennale in 2001, the 42-year-old artist has shot to success for creating globular, amorphous environments called Naves (ships), made out of stretchy, translucent stocking material.
These stellar-sized black holes are common within globular clusters.
Using their most conservative assumptions, Dr Bockelmann and colleagues found that even if every globular cluster started out with an intermediate mass black hole, only about 30% retained them through successive mergers.
The molecules of this protein are more or less globular, and are held in that shape by internal cross-links between different parts of the amino-acid chain of which the protein is composed.
Such black holes ranging in size from 1, 000 to 10, 000 times the mass of the sun should sit inside globular clusters like scaled-down versions of galactic black holes at least in theory.
"Some theories say that small black holes in globular clusters should sink down to the center and form a medium-sized one, but our discovery suggests this isn't true, " said Daniel Stern, an astrophysicist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.