Geoff's NHS trust is one of many now reviewing its policy on gluten-free food.
In order to guarantee a varied and balanced diet, Geoff relies on his prescriptions for gluten-free food.
Whenever you purchase a gluten-free food item, compare the cost to a similar item with gluten.
Smart Balance on Aug. 3, acquired Glutino Food Group, the leader in the gluten-free food chain.
In turn, this led to more complaints from coeliac patients that they could not access gluten-free food.
Newsnight contacted one of the leading manufacturers of gluten-free food, Juvela.
Often, their access to gluten-free food relies on the hospital caterers having a range of appropriate foods stored in a cupboard or freezer.
While the cake, the largest ever gluten-free cake, made a statement of its own, the real statement was the need for gluten-free food labeling laws.
Within a few months, he partnered with the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness and now produces content for its website and gluten-free food providers while also acting.
"The aim of providing gluten-free food products on NHS prescription is to encourage patients with coeliac disease to stick to a gluten-free, nutritious diet so they do not go on to develop more serious illnesses, which can affect their quality of life as well as being much more costly for the NHS, " he said in a statement.
Volunteers rely on reports from the individual communities to determine needs, then send out those requests on Twitter and Facebook - for instance, asking for gluten-free or diabetic food, or requesting volunteer services of mechanics, construction workers, or medical professionals.
Sarah Sleet, chief executive of Coeliac UK, says hospital caterers became worried about labelling their food gluten-free after stricter criteria were introduced in January.
All of the products are gluten-free, vegan, and free of many common food allergens.
FORBES: Second Acts: From Unemployed Construction Worker to Raw Foods Guru and Job Creator
Gluten-free is getting to be the latest craze in the healthy food markets.
Large food manufacturers have noticed that sales of gluten-free products have increased 30% in recent years and have introduced gluten-free lines to address the market that includes an additional 18 million Americans with gluten sensitivity.
The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004, which legislated the requirement for food allergy labeling guidelines, also required the FDA to implement rules for voluntary gluten-free labeling guidelines by August 2008.