Their activities are consuming about 7% of GNP--almost exactly the same as the much-reviled defense establishment.
In fact, as the economy expanded globally and world GNP got larger, so did the problems.
In the US, GNP has risen sharply in the past 40 years, but happiness has not.
Mr Sohn's DP has a slight lead over the GNP, according to Realmeter, a polling firm.
The latter is expected to jump from last year's moderate 1.8% of GNP to 4.9%.
The ODA target of 0.15 per cent of donor's gross national product (GNP) had not been met.
Second, relentless pursuit of GNP to the exclusion of other goals is also no path to happiness.
Reflecting the new mood, the MDP's Rhee proposed to make the GNP a "partner" in the national administration.
Comparing U.S. education's GNP share with that of other countries is also disillusioning.
His support among core Democratic Party voters is weak: he defected to them from the GNP only in 2007.
Indeed, that proportion is roughly twice the percentage of GNP allocated to defense by seven out of fourteen NATO nations.
These two republics alone comprise the vast preponderance of the former Soviet Union's GNP, population, natural resources and other assets.
In fact, the Republic of Korea spends 5.5 percent of its GNP and one-third of its national budget to defend itself.
The current-account deficit rocketed to a high of 8.8% of GNP in 1995, and is forecast to hit 7% this year.
Our initial targets were at the level of 6.5% to 7.5% GNP growth, but we have downscaled that by one percentage point.
The state budget is tailored to achieve a surplus of 1% of GNP, with a copper price at its long term value.
Central bank governor Dai Xianglong aims to keep money-supply growth lagging GNP.
On April 13, the MDP, the GNP and a few other smaller parties will be vying for 273 seats in the National Assembly.
Following the July summit, Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze revealed that Soviet military spending was closer to the order of 25 percent of GNP.
In the first place, women entrepreneurs are creating jobs, innovation and contributing to the GNP of various economies just like their male counterparts.
FORBES: How Women Entrepreneurs are Transforming Economies and Communities
In so doing, it tops all NATO nations in the proportion of its GNP devoted to defense, except for the United States and Greece.
My favorite example in school of the short-comings of GDP (GNP then) was provided by the question what happens if a man marries his maid.
Germany wants to limit the increase to 1% of the EU's total output (GNP), which would come in about 130bn euros less than the Commission.
Second Minister for Finance Mustapa Mohamed says the country is benefiting from a high rate of savings (42% of GNP), a current-account surplus and decelerating inflation.
Given a copper price last year well over twice the estimated long term price, Chile had a fiscal surplus of the order of 9% of GNP.
The GNP had been doing better in opinion polls than the MDP in the run-up, but few expected it to get so close to grabbing the majority.
Chung Mong-joon, who backed Mr Roh at the last minute in that election and now plies his trade with the GNP, announced his own candidacy this week.