In February, Aviva - the UK's biggest insurer - called for reforms to go further.
It is our collective duty to go further and more quickly in this direction.
But, he added, IE7 was better at respecting standards and IE8 is expected to go further.
"Usually as the rounds go further, the price of champagne goes up, " he said.
To know for certain whether praying for romantic partners strengthened relationships, they needed to go further.
Encouragingly, there are signs that the Conservatives are willing to go further than their report.
The Ryan budget, the Republican budget would go further than that by another 19 percent.
Leisure travelers are prepared to go further, using trains on journeys of up to six hours.
Republican commissioner Hans von Spakovsky voted for the regulation, but he said Congress should go further.
We might go further too: you must pay a tax to landfill material these days.
If only it'd go further from its home base console than the 26 feet Nintendo's promising.
There is still scope for Waterstone's to go further down the Barnes and Noble road.
They inspire people to be better and go further than they ever thought possible.
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Truck salesman Duncan Gillis is one of many business duffers hoping Parliament will go further.
The coureurs des bois were obliged to go further and further into the wilderness to seek those valuable pelts.
Meanwhile, some campuses that already flourish in the global market want to go further.
C. take it upon themselves to go further in existing buildings in unique and creative ways.
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Some go further still: the prospect of a Greek departure from the euro is now widely discussed.
But it took Chanderpaul to go further, ending the day 111 not out, with his side 342-4.
But its critics want the reviews to go further and examine its pre-crisis attention to financial stability.
But if we really are going to face spectrum shortages then we will need to go further.
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It could also go further in its monitoring of the net, mobiles and other ways of communicating.
It hopes to persuade a majority of Scots to go further and say "yes" to independence too.
There is a chance that Mr Blair will go further and create a fully-fledged prime minister's department.
Like Jose Serra, the health minister, his task is now to make a smaller budget go further.
It was the Knicks' first appearance in the second round since 2000, but they expected to go further.
To them I say this: when the public services have been reformed the money will certainly go further.
Srivastava discovered that three, possibly four, types of HSP go further, prompting immune cells to attack cancerous cells.
But New York's measure would go further than the others by letting rejected applicants sue employers for damages.