Battle says that the company has represented, specifically, the African-American spirit, and will go on doing so.
"This is actually quasi-capital so these local companies can go on doing business, " points out a senior Indonesian executive.
America's sugar, dairy and peanut farmers have so far held on tenaciously to protection, and will try to go on doing so.
Galileo was happy enough to go on doing research under the generally benevolent umbrella of the Church if only it would let him.
We will go on doing, as the military, what we need to do until the Afghan capability is good enough to take over from us.
"Our reaction to the impending economic doom, if that's what's going to happen, is that we should go on doing the same and more so, " he said.
China can go on doing this for some time ahead without worrying about any reform of its unproductive state sector and public finances, because it will continue to attract huge dollops of foreign direct investment(FDI).
As it is, airlines that want simply to use Boeing aircraft will still go on doing so, but at least Airbus now has a chance to flog them a new product which could outperform Boeing's ageing jumbo technology.
And then on the military side, we have to change how we go about doing things on the ground, and truly move towards the principle of successful counterinsurgency, which is protect and support the people.
We're going to have, hopefully, a bipartisan discussion and work together on how we go about doing that.
Go ask a sole proprietor doing business on the main drag of your town.
During the quieter summer months he would go around the country working on shows and doing cinema projection relief work.
This means establishing the organizational goal of doing whatever is needed to go on delighting their customers, not just tweaking the supply chain.
One way would be to say, well, you know what, we'll just go back to what we were doing before on, let's say, the financial markets.
And after that it became extremely difficult for us to go on paying money to them when they were doing all the wrong things with the land.
Richard Schwinn, co-founder of Waterford Precision Cycles, said sponsors often come and go, depending on the how well their businesses are doing.
Of the thousands of power engineers and bureaucrats India pay salary for, not one among them insisted that silt removal from dams is mandatory and without doing it, power generation cannot go on.
FORBES: What Investors Need To Know About Clean Tech In India
Email is the same way: Work on a draft while doing something else, go back a time or two and voila!
Personal matters have diverted attention away from the important work Sesame Street is doing and I cannot allow it to go on any longer.
So by the time I was six years old I would often be doing shows for my whole family that would go on for hours and hours.
He further stipulated that after his death the troupe should go on a long tour, and that is what it has been doing for the past two years.
Doing away with inhibiting restrictions on MSAs and FSAs would go a long way toward solving our health care problems.
In the May 17 issue of The New Yorker (subscription required), he implies that we should go back to the old way of doing things: of throwing mud on a wall and seeing what sticks.
That means a lot of data too on what people are doing, sharing, saying and where they go to.
The last thing we want to do is to go on strike, but if we give up now, the job will not be worth doing.
These "made men" now spend their days doing odd jobs, sitting on the hotel's porch and watching the girls go by.
And one of those, just as an example, is to go back and place more day-to-day accountability and responsibility on the inmates instead of us just doing things for them.
There is nobody doing any business at the moment so we don't want to go in now and miss out on something that might be around later on.
The planning application should go in to Gwynedd Council next month, although children at the 190-pupil school have already been doing work on the project in their technology lessons.