But this year the Oscar for best picture (and perhaps for best actor) may go to a movie that has no dialogue.
"Innocent events -- anyone could go to a movie, but we wouldn't get the message that this was for us, " Resnick said.
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"It's cheaper to come to our festival than to go to a movie anywhere" in Los Angeles, said Stephanie Allain, the director of the festival.
The rental model requires viewers to make two decisions: what movie to watch and if they want to pay for it, or what else they may want to do like go to a movie, or rent from on-demand, etc.
' That'll mean the movie audience will be smaller 'cause people could buy it on DVD, but there are still people, millions of people, who prefer to go to a movie theater on a Friday night, but the interesting thing for the audience will be now they'll be aiming for a much more adult population 'cause that's who buys the DVDs.
NFC-enabled devices like smartphones will allow people to go to a restaurant or movie, access their ATM, lend money to a friend, ride the train, unlock doors, and thousands of other tasks with one device.
"We are asking people not to go to the movie and hope to bring a consciousness to people about using derogatory words about this population, " said Peter Wheeler, a spokesman for the Special Olympics, according to Reuters.
Bonnie Kate Pourciau, 18, said she is "not a huge Batman fan, really, " but decided to go to the movie after she and her friend Elizabeth Sumrall stopped at a hotel in Aurora en route from Seattle to their homes in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
And general awareness --we've become relaxed, but when you go to a stadium, or a movie theater, or a new place of business, I think it's important to have your antennae up, and get in the habit of going in, assessing the situation, agreeing with yourself that it looks like business as usual, and then spotting the exits.
But for now this debut is unlikely to see a cinema release and will go straight to iTunes as Madonna believes the low-budget movie will be a bigger hit as an Internet download.
And there are times where I want to go back and forth between my game and a movie, or times when I want to be with my friends, and we'll be watching a movie, then we want to switch to a video game, etc.
I'd like to take my wife and go watch a movie, for God's sake.
Leinart, the dazzling first-round draft pick who won the Heisman Trophy at the University of Southern California, is a quarterback with movie star looks who, some think, could go on to a second career in film.
"The willingness to go over the top to do something strange or odd is so welcome in a big budget movie, " Mr Buchanan says.
Not many people my age send an email to ask friends to hit the town, or go see a movie.
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Much like The Lorax saw his environment go to waste, so, too, may many marketers find signing on to this movie a wasted opportunity to build brand equity.
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"This gentleman was just about to go out as a single if you want to play some golf, " Tom said to the movie star, not knowing I was a devoted fan of the seminal blaxploitation series.
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Whedon also wrote "Toy Story" of course -- which may be why the wild, nutso finale seems to owe a debt to another Pixar movie ... but let's not go there.
They'd meet for coffee, go for long walks, maybe go to California Pizza Kitchen, and see a Bruce Willis movie.
In the early part of the 20th century, when people began to move off the farm and into town, they wanted to listen to Bessie Smith on their new Victrola, and they wanted to go out for a Saturday night dinner and a movie.
It was once seen as a Scarlet Letter to have your movie go straight to DVD.
So I ended up on the deck of the boat, smoking a cigarette, reading a book, watching a movie trying to get tired and go to sleep.
It would be nice if people like the films I make, and hopefully they have a real life span, but once I am done with a movie, my energy needs to go into the next thing.
Note: To watch a preview of the movie and to get an early look at the virtual world planned, go to dorothyofoz.com .
This is a computer-generated movie that fails to go the whole nine yards.
Lee says that The Annihilator, which has yet to go into production, will be an American movie with a Chinese superhero.
But if a property is beloved enough, people will go to the movie despite the fact that they know where this is going.
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There is a sequence in the film where the six go on a location scout in Tehran to create the impression they are movie people.
These days, if you go see a Tim Burton movie you are in effect going to watch Johnny and Helena do their weird thing, probably in outlandish costumes.
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