We all go to dinner and then pick up Lamby, who bounds out of day care and into the sub-zero night to greet us.
And if you go to dinner parties and you talk to your friends about their financial security, all of them are feeling a little less certain.
Beth Marriott, a family support worker, runs events as part of the city's Underground Restaurant scene, where people go to dinner parties, usually at homes or in community areas, after being emailed venue details days before.
Go to the park without sharing pictures of your kids, go out to dinner without snapping an Instagram of your meal.
"When I go out to dinner with my friends and no one stares at me or asks to be moved to a table further away from me, that's a good day, " she says.
"I'd never choose to go to Malibu for dinner, " Julie added, referring to our plans.
She wants companionship and a friend to go to movies and dinner with her.
But from the time I got interested in this over a four- or five-year period, I'd go to lunch or dinner with people and they'd say, 'What are you working on?
WSJ: He Drills for Answers | Robert M. Edsel | Cultural Conversation by Joanne Kaufman
Buy yourself a new outfit, go to the spa and treat yourself to dinner.
Had I filled out the questionnaire seven years ago, I would have been categorised as either "established middle class" or "new affluent" because back then I could afford to go to the theatre regularly and went to dinner at posh restaurants.
Meals had to be planned to coincide with peak insulin levels, making it hard to see friends for dinner or to go on field trips.
I'm having -- I see my daughters before they go to school and I see them at night for dinner, even if I have to go back down to the office.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
If you want to go to Del Mar for lunch or dinner, or to the famous racetrack nearby or the renowned Torrey Pines golf courses, two of the biggest regional attractions, why drive yourself?
"We didn't go to happy hour or dinner with friends because he was uncomfortable, " Debbie Benzine says.
CNN: Learning to eat again: Man drops 130 pounds after surgery
My daughter laughed at me a few weeks ago when I said I was getting up from dinner to go online.
Often when he suggested they go out to Olive Garden for dinner, she turned him down and instead went to the Publix grocery store.
Curtis had gone to get his mail outside his home and was planning to go to his ex-wife's home to cook dinner for her and their children when he was approached by officers in SWAT gear, she wrote.
In his article on marrying women with careers, Mr. Noer did not mention the studies that have shown that in a marriage with a career husband and career wife, the woman comes home from work to go to the grocery store, cook dinner, clean house, take care of the kids, etc.
Maybe they could go out for dinner on their way to the hospital.
In the early part of the 20th century, when people began to move off the farm and into town, they wanted to listen to Bessie Smith on their new Victrola, and they wanted to go out for a Saturday night dinner and a movie.
She told me that after a recent blind date, the guy demanded she reimburse him for half the price of dinner because she declined to go out with him again.
His typical routine would be to wake up at noon, work from 2pm to 10pm, have dinner then go on a bike ride in the still-clear light, returning at 1am for a little dessert.
Sometimes we watch a movie together, we'll have a nice dinner, and then we go to bed kind of early because we've got to be in bed in time for Santa to get there.
Moreover, this year, you might be one of many, planning to make healthier selections when you go out for dinner.
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As the sun sets each night, a black cloud emerges from under the bridge as the creatures go in search of moths and other bugs to call dinner.
We know about the young man who met the love of his life at a dinner party, ditching his plans to go to bed early and instead talking with the brilliant and charming Laura Welch late into the night.