And grandfathers don't go to jail, Lay was saying in his testimony, do they?
We know that people go to jail when they perjure themselves, including -- including civil proceedings.
He advised Catholic clergy to go to jail to protest federal contraceptive coverage mandates.
Who knows, maybe someday an actual Wall Street honcho will go to jail.
If grain traders rig the price of lysine they can go to jail.
People make headlines if they waste or lose a billion, they go to jail, they get pilloried.
Societe Generale, when it is not busy watching its traders go to jail, has to raise money.
Liam Lawlor will go to jail on Wednesday unless he appeals the sentence to the Supreme Court.
In everyday life, when you do something reckless like that you get fired, or go to jail.
If Judge Samour sees it that way, Winter will be compelled to give names or go to jail.
Did he really need to go to jail and lose his job for being drunk in parked car?
He'll likely go to jail for at least a year and may never play the professional football game again.
Kennedy died in 2009, and DiMasi is currently on trial for extortion and corruption and may go to jail.
Should the court refuse his leave to appeal, he will go to jail immediately and begin serving his sentence.
"It's a violation of federal law, but rarely to people go to jail for it, " Turley told CNN on Wednesday.
He saw shady goings-on, he saw none of those that stole from him and the Greek people go to jail.
The little girl even told her mom that she was being told she could go to jail by school officials.
If Knox were to lose an extradition fight and then wind up being convicted, she would go to jail, he said.
He can come forward, and confess and he will go to jail.
FORBES: Assault Victim From Union Protest Challenges Assailaint to MMA Fight
And, of course, he could be criminally prosecuted and go to jail.
Winter has made it clear, through her attorneys, that she would rather go to jail than give up the identities of her sources.
The guilty verdict has been welcomed by women's rights activists, who held up placards outside the court while yelling, "Go to jail, Katsav".
And should Jana Winter lose, she will face the choice of disclosing her sources or refuse to do so and go to jail.
The real message that we need to send to athletes is that if you get caught cheating, you're going to go to jail.
Somebody needs to go to jail because those levees were never really maintained the way they should've been, and now it's too late.
Few doubt that either of them used steroids, yet none of their lesser contemporaries have been made to go to jail for it.
To allow Mr Berlusconi to go to jail would cause a constitutional crisis that nobody, including the prime minister, Romano Prodi, really wants.
Family members said they were told by coalition officials that the U.S. wanted Aziz to answer a number of questions, not necessarily go to jail.