Nor does the fact that they were higher before make them particularly likely to go up now.
With inflation so low, interest rates are unlikely to go up now.
According to VentureSource, 44 companies are now registered to go public, up from 25 at this time last year.
McCain's amendment failed to pass Tuesday, which means the spending bill made up of about 1 percent earmarks will now go to a vote.
And all we have to do now is go up in the attic every year, take them out, put them around.
Industrial firms, having spent years becoming ever leaner in their production techniques and, in the process, making themselves more vulnerable to these sorts of supply shocks, will now have to go partly into reverse, giving up some efficiency gains to become more robust.
Positioned at fine leg, the youngster made no mistake - and England now go back up a place to fifth in the ICC Test rankings.
And they have decided that people should have longer working lives too: the official retirement age for men and women, now 67, may go up to 70.
"We've got just short of 500 people now signed up to go, which is actually more people than have been up to space in the history of space travel, and we hope to put those up in our first year of operation, " he says, predicting the first commercial flight by "about next Christmas, " although he acknowledges that there have been many delays.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Richard Branson: Space��The Next Business Frontier
However Education Secretary Michael Gove has announced that 719 school revamps already signed up to the scheme would not now go ahead.
She struggled to meet a monthly bill that was equivalent to almost half of her cash income, but could not keep up payments and is now trying to go bankrupt.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Inside Money | In the red and ripped off?
In a Commons statement on 5 July 2010, Education Secretary Michael Gove said 715 school revamps already signed up to the scheme would not now go ahead, with a further 123 academy schemes to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Instead of relying exclusively on focus groups and management approval for new recipes, chefs now also go into restaurants for up to a month, test new dishes on real customers and get feedback from the people who cook and serve the meals.
"We get lots of invites, but up until now someone else has had to go, " he said.
But it is not ready to say exactly how prize money will go up between now and 2017, other than that it will increase each year.
"We've still got a long way to go but at least now we're up and running, " he said.
His article goes on to point out that the federal tax rate on long-term gains is now 15% but is likely to go up.
The last thing we want to do is to go on strike, but if we give up now, the job will not be worth doing.
Now go back to work and try to make up that production before end of day.
FORBES: Skip Buybacks, Pfizer! Invest, Learn, Grow like Google, Apple, Virgin
The proposals will now go to the government, which will draw up appropriate legislation.
Simply put, people who had fled a country because their village had been flattened would now get more help to go back and take up life where they had left off.
Should the Bush tax cuts now be permitted to expire, taxes will go up for most Americans an increase that would extend to the taxes we pay on our earnings, investments and inheritance along with the removal of a number of tax incentives that have been made available to businesses for things such as research and development.
The two men had made up and could now "eat in the same restaurants and go to the same clubs, " the 28-year-old said.
After losing power in a winter storm a few years ago, I bought flashlights for every room. (I just checked to see where they are.) Go now and stock up on flashlights and batteries.
FORBES: 5 Things You Can Still Do To Prepare For Hurricane Sandy
The improving economy and with an attendant increase in hiring is releasing some built-up demand by consumers who are now feeling bold enough to go out and spend several hundred bucks on an iPad, smart phone, TV or new refrigerator.
Being here with all of you today, I am feeling pretty fired up and ready to go myself. (Applause.) Now, there is a reason why we're all here today, in addition to being fired up and ready to go.