• For some years she held the post of America's Sweetheart, pretty, God-fearing and patriotic.

    ECONOMIST: Whitney Houston

  • The 900 people at a recent fundraiser banquet in Miami make up a particularly God-fearing crowd.

    FORBES: The Messenger

  • He made great play of being a God-fearing southern governor who made his living farming peanuts.

    ECONOMIST: A toothy nightmare for Republicans

  • Mr Heston saw this as the plight of every white, rural, Protestant, god-fearing, gun-owning male in America.

    ECONOMIST: Charlton Heston

  • The God-fearing, flag-waiving, gun-toting homeschool crowd embodies the American spirit of mutual self-reliance.

    FORBES: Want To Tell The State To Stick It? Homeschool Your Kids

  • Mr Solzhenitsyn is an old-fashioned, God-fearing romantic: anti-industrial, anti-materialist, anti-Enlightenment, and against what he sees as the deadening excesses of rationalism.

    ECONOMIST: Solzhenitsyn��s Russia

  • But another is that God-fearing politicians such as Mr Bush have too often helped to create the problems they seek to cure.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • For the theocracies of Russia and Turkey, and their God-fearing soldiers, things were fairly straightforward: they were fighting, respectively, for Christianity and Islam.

    ECONOMIST: The Crimean war

  • If her victory in Ames was no great surprise an evangelical Christian with hard-boiled pro-life, anti-gay-marriage credentials was always likely to prosper in the God-fearing cornfields of Iowa her disciplined comportment as a campaigner has been.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • Skilled navigators, they plotted their course by the stars, ocean and clouds, at a time when god-fearing Europeans still believed that the Earth was flat and they might fall off it if they sailed too far.

    BBC: Easter Island��s greatest festival

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