Some members of the public joked about wearing masks and goggles to brave the incense fumes and smog to pray for blessings from the God of Wealth, an especially popular deity during Chinese New Year, the newspaper notes.
BBC: China media: Wukan frustration
Given standard Christian theology, compulsory transfers of wealth subvert God's will.
WSJ: Jamie Whyte: What Would Jesus Do? Nothing.
Indeed, spirituality lies at the heart of Diwali, with devotees specifically seeking blessings from two prominent Hindu deities: Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and Ganesh, the elephant-headed god of good fortune and auspicious beginnings.
BBC: India��s festival of lights
This is perhaps the most radical teaching of faith that the value of life is not contingent on wealth or strength or skill, that value is a reflection of God's image.
CNN: Text of Bush's Notre Dame speech
On the wall behind his chair he had hung gold foil images of Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, and the fat elephant god, Ganapati.
NEWYORKER: The Elephant