There must be some strange goings-on at Canadian oil and natural gas company Interoil.
What murky goings-on under that murky figure Mr Sirven might reveal, who knows.
In some cases, the law insists that directors ought to know about dodgy goings-on, even if they do not.
He saw shady goings-on, he saw none of those that stole from him and the Greek people go to jail.
After watching the goings-on gamely, an Apple PR rep brought the impromptu review to an end after a few minutes.
The ongoing nuclear goings-on in North Korean have been greeted with a mixture of incredulity, outrage, confusion, and even downright panic.
It trolls the Web for content that looks like an event and plucks data about goings-on from Ticketmaster, Opentable and other databases.
Indeed, it treats such goings-on as legitimate because the deals are said to have been made by agreement with the Congolese government.
Often, these bank branches serve as a town's connective tissue the place where neighbors gather to catch up on the latest news and goings-on.
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There were no allusions to the goings-on in Washington during his inauguration and, in the 80-degree Austin heat, it was easy to forget them.
Observing the goings-on through the glass walls was a group of young Republicans, whom mysteriously no one involved in the recount had seen before.
There must be some strange goings-on at Canadian oil and natural gas company Interoil (amex: IOC - news - people ).
So instead she has chosen to recount the soap-operatic lives of the surrealists, of their promiscuous, scandalous, perfidious and self-obsessed goings-on, all in the name of revolution.
Repeated exposes of the goings-on in British mosques and in supposedly "moderate" British Muslim communal organizations have shown unequivocally that they are being used as indoctrination centers for jihad.
Fire forecasters do the same, but as well as simulating the goings-on in the atmosphere, they also add a second numerical model to simulate the fire on the ground.
But the doorknobs were left off, leaving two-inch-wide peepholes so the doors could not be locked -- and making it easier to keep tabs on the goings-on behind closed doors.
The 1891 hubbub of impending doom for the (nascent) newspaper powers is especially interesting in light of the similar goings-on when radio and then television came onto the scene.
But Jones, I think, would have spurned the savage goings-on at the climax, where torsos are blown in half and knives are tugged free from flesh with a sucking sound.
Gold mines appear to be a good way to own gold but as anyone who follows the goings-on in the mining sector will know, nothing ever seems to run smoothly.
Uranus, the next planet in from Neptune, is almost as mysterious, but for a different reason: its almost featureless green surface provides few clues to the goings-on in its atmosphere.
As I read through past issues and started to devise my editorial strategy, I came across two poorly written columns that covered, with minute detail, the goings-on of two nearby villages.
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They fret that tradition-minded voters are left perplexed, if not outraged, both by the goings-on and the high-handed way in which the government and its friends seems to brush them off.
Jayojit Chatterjee, older but perhaps not much wiser or more at home than Samar, draws us in to the constricted goings-on of one Calcutta household without stepping out of the scene.
With the programme's line-up including eccentric TV racing pundit John McCririck - hero or anti-hero, depending on your point of view - the sport is agog with goings-on in the BB House.
But the problem is that they measure brain activity outside the skull -- you know, the thing we've evolved to shield the murky goings-on in our minds from prying EEG sensors.
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In theory it sets him above the tawdry goings-on of daily politics (indeed, it makes him look presidential), while leaving Mr Chirac's reputation to be stained by every new leak from the judiciary.
The secrecy with which he leads his life makes working out the fact and fiction of his goings-on a tricky business, never mind deciphering what you can and cannot print about his business dealings.
We can, though, pay attention to multiple goings-on.
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Behind the scenes, however, there have been some active goings-on: if Mr Beilin's party is able to form Israel's next government, a document containing the basic ingredients of a final agreement will be at its disposal.