Back in 1998 Ms. Lopez spent a lot of screen time in South Florida as a U.S. marshal in Steven Soderbergh's "Out of Sight, " which seemed phenomenally smart and funny at the time, and remains the gold standard for modern crime capers.
He's tapped into groups that want to abolish the IRS, people who want the U.S. out of the U.N. and back on the Gold Standard, activists who want marijuana legalized and those who write long essays about the trilateral commission.
Mr Volcker served as Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs when the US abandoned the gold standard and ended the Bretton Woods regime of fixed interest rates in the early 1970s.
Veronika Oleksyn, an American-born freelance correspondent for Austria's Kurier daily, thought she had written as much as she could about Ron Paul's connection to Austria: He adheres to the Austrian School of economic thought, which espouses, among other things, reinstituting the gold standard and abolishing the central bank.
WSJ: The Boys on Le Bus: Foreign Press Mines Local Angles in U.S. Primary
It was one of the very first such systems on the market and is still considered the gold standard in terms of design and dependability.
So you might think that Perry would favor gold and even want to go back to the gold standard as fellow Texas politician, Ron Paul (R-Texas), does.
These leaders are doing something important in helping to hammer out the missing variable in job creation, good money, and creating a forum where the proponents of the Taylor Rule and the proponents of the gold standard can make their respective cases.
FORBES: It's Time For An American Economic Miracle: Good Money, Good Jobs
Brian Domitrovic, former presidential candidate Steve Forbes, philanthropist Sean Fieler (chairman of American Principles in Action, which actively promotes competing currencies together with the gold standard), and the eminence grise of the conservative gold proponents, Reagan Gold Commissioner Lewis E.
FORBES: The Grave Economic Consequences Of Money For Nothing
Prominent among these are the great Reagan Gold Commissioners Rep. Ron Paul, the eminence grise of the Austrian gold standard, and Lewis E.
FORBES: Signs Of The Gold Standard Are Increasingly Emerging...Worldwide
Obviously the money supply grew a very large amount in the U.S. during the 19th century, and obviously the gold standard system did not hold back economic development.
And it will win because the gold standard makes but one promise, and that is to stabilize the value of money.
FORBES: Ben Bernanke's Lone Positive Legacy: A Return To The Gold Standard
Frank and his compatriots treat the gold standard as a slightly ludicrous (and possibly alarmist) anachronism and as a tool by which the wealthy oppress workers.
FORBES: What The Left Fails To Grasp Is That Gold Equals Jobs
Japanese industriousness and engineering has become the gold standard to achieve and replicate.
Correctly sensing that Fort Knox would quickly run out of gold, on Aug. 15, 1971, Nixon took us off the gold standard, and the inflationary '70s began.
The increase in growth made possible by these initiatives also would set the stage for additional growth augmenting policies including reform and simplification of the personal income tax code and restoration of gold as a standard of value for the dollar.
Lehrman also adds a rather detailed program to find an appropriate new gold parity for the dollar, and also for other currencies that would join the new world gold standard around the same time.
But Bernanke mistakenly believes that the old gold standard somehow caused and deepened the Great Depression.
Internationally, the Cobden Centre and the Gold Standard Institute are making a distinguished mark.
FORBES: Signs Of The Gold Standard Are Increasingly Emerging...Worldwide
Also attending is our colleague, David English, a University of Missouri Law School professor, and the gold standard of meeting frugality.
Bryan raged against bankers and the gold standard, enemies, he said, of the only true producers of wealth and prosperity, the American farmer.
These principles hark back to the things that made the American economy the greatest in the world in the years before the Fed: the Constitution and the gold standard.
FORBES: The First Principles Of Monetary Policy: Forward With Herman Cain
The monetization of gold through legal tender laws and removal of taxes will restrain the government from reneging on the gold standard by putting gold on an equal footing with the dollar.
FORBES: The Legislative Beginnings Of A Modern Gold Standard
Is it coincidence that the creation of this great wealth (for the middle class as well as the super-successful) coincided with the approach toward and institution of the classical gold standard?
FORBES: Dear President Obama, You Can't Create Growth, But You CAN Suffocate It
Eliquis now has the unique distinction of being the only new anticoagulant to reduce stroke, major bleeding, and death versus the gold standard warfarin in atrial fibrillation patients (the largest commercial opportunity, in our view).
On more than a few occasions during my tenure, some among you today, together with your predecessors, made the decisions that enable America to have armed services that are the gold standard of the world, and I thank you for that.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Message from a Marine: Don��t Break the Military
The software, called VMware ESX, lets one server do the work of many, and it has become the gold standard in virtualization.
With or without his famous face being carved into granite, Jeter is unquestionably in the same company as Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Mantle, Berra and Ford as the gold standard for the New York Yankees.
Unlike today, these rock-bottom yields were not obtained by every sort of central bank manipulation imaginable, but reflected the long history and expectation for monetary and macroeconomic stability that the gold standard system provided.
FORBES: The 1870-1914 Gold Standard: The Most Perfect One Ever Created
So being on the gold standard and keeping a constant dollar value are inconsistent proposals.
He directed attention to the gold standard and saw a dramatic swing in his standing.