Coco Chanel, the queen of 1920s fashion, was also a goldmine of inspirational lifestyle quotes.
As with Goldmine, is Ferrara signaling the dawn of a new era in CRM?
Mail that is left in an unlocked mailbox is a goldmine for identity thieves.
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But our accounting system is QuickBooks and our customer relationship management system is GoldMine.
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The IRS and DOJ have a goldmine of data from bank deals, whistleblower claims.
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He would dearly love to get his hands on the goldmine that is Disney's back catalogue.
The program's contact manager interacts with several popular packages, including Symantec's Act, Microsoft Outlook, and Goldmine.
Hornbills swoop before the klotoks, disturbed by the occasional passing speedboat taking workers to the nearby goldmine.
Maximizer is priced about the same as GoldMine and also has good CRM features for the mid-sized company.
FORBES: Then Again...Maybe Buying A CRM Is Like Buying A Car
This application is specific to GoldMine, but most good CRM applications also have mobile applications for the Droid.
With profits growing only slowly in the saturated credit-card market, the debit card looks like the next goldmine.
But for a landowner, planning permission can turn barren fields into a goldmine.
European based retail company Chic Outlet Shopping combined retailing and tourism, executed the concept masterfully and struck a goldmine.
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For companies and brands, consumer data has the potential to be both a goldmine and a minefield, as Facebook has been discovering.
"My niece, Dr. Walden, tried her best to get them to understand they're sitting on a goldmine with Jackie Robinson, " he said.
Twitter is a goldmine of information and there is no need to ever send a tweet to leverage the data in Twitter.
Tying ads to online searches from mobile phones is another potential goldmine.
"That unstructured data has to be a goldmine of intelligence, " he said.
But an audience of search marketers examining Digg at a conference the same day saw something else: a goldmine of lucrative Web traffic.
Wyllie's award-winning play about the iniquities of the world banking system, A Day Down a Goldmine, was produced several times throughout the 1980s.
When merchandise, DVD sales, TV distribution, video games, and other factors are entered into the mix, Disney could be looking at a record-breaking goldmine.
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So, if you have a trunk full of clothes in the attic this could be a goldmine and help you clean out your closet.
The Deutscher Alpenverein (in German) is a goldmine of information on hiking and mountaineering and has local chapters in practically every German town.
"Knowing who is tweeting about their computer crashing is like a goldmine of insight for a rep selling cloud-based storage, " says InsideView CEO Umberto Milletti.
In 1989 Jon launched his first company, Goldmine, with one of the earliest products in the space between collaboration, contact management and sales force automation.
FORBES: The Rise and Fall of CRM 1.0: A Talk With Jon Ferrara of Nimble
The first is GoldMine software, made by FrontRange Solutions.
FORBES: Then Again...Maybe Buying A CRM Is Like Buying A Car
We use Windows Terminal Server as a thin client to operate our three main software applications: Microsoft Office, QuickBooks and GoldMine, a customer relationship management program.
Several European data privacy regulators have also launched an investigation into Google's practices, alleging the company is creating a data goldmine at the expense of unwitting users.
There was Erasmus Darwin, an enormously fat doctor, Matthew Boulton, a pushy metal-goods manufacturer, and Josiah Wedgwood, the man who turned fine pottery into a commercial goldmine.