Her comments come in a speech marking the 15th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement.
Mr Powell was a key government negotiator during the Good Friday Agreement of 1998.
Otherwise, see the pope at the Via Crucis (Stations of the Cross) on Good Friday.
Starting Good Friday and through this weekend, Easter Bunny sky dives were scheduled near Milwaukee, Wis.
"The Good Friday Agreement we have is as good as we're going to get, " he said.
That's why we are so committed to the full implement of the Good Friday Agreement.
BBC: Enda Kenny says true test of peace is absence of peace walls
The Good Friday Agreement was seen as a major step forward in the peace process.
The next day, Good Friday, he found the church stripped as a sign of desolation.
Thursday also marked the end of the first quarter, since markets are closed for Good Friday.
He was centrally involved in negotiating the Good Friday Peace Agreement in Northern Ireland in 1998.
Mr Constantine praised the people of Northern Ireland for the creation of the Good Friday Agreement.
It was Good Friday, and a woman helping her offered to pay her utility bill.
"Sinn Fein is totally committed to the Good Friday Agreement and the peace process, " he said.
Under the Good Friday Agreement, she has the power to call such a poll.
He suffered cardiac arrest on Good Friday and the duty surgeon was called to operate.
Her passing was truly an Easter death - poised between Good Friday and Easter Day.
In fact it was a small, determined step towards the Good Friday agreement 13 years later.
On Good Friday, the pope presides over the Way of the Cross - a celebration even non-Catholics can enjoy.
The issue of private beaches that led to the Good Friday killing is troubling many governments.
Other aspects of the Good Friday agreement however, will go into storage with the assembly.
Mr Maginness said the amendment was "about defending and preserving the values of the Good Friday Agreement".
The commission is a statutory body which was established under the terms of the Good Friday Agreement.
In 1998, more queasily, it gave him a 72% majority in favour of the Good Friday Agreement.
While the Good Friday Agreement of 1998 effectively ended the conflict, distrust remains between Catholics and Protestants.
IRA. Sinn Fein says the Good Friday agreement did not make executive posts dependent on prior decommissioning.
This time, the main paramilitary groups are on ceasefire and are signed up to the Good Friday agreement.
The Independent Monitoring Commission is also expected to ensure that assembly members operate within the Good Friday Agreement.
Characterised as a dispassionate strategist, Mr McGuinness became Sinn Fein's chief negotiator in the Good Friday Agreement talks.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Profile: Martin McGuinness
The Ulster Unionist MP, Jeffrey Donaldson, who voted 'No' to the Good Friday Agreement, emphasised the importance of decommissioning.
BBC: News | UK Politics | Tories to end Northern Ireland consensus
"We've so many great memories of Good Friday at Knowsley Road, " he added.