The ExCo declined, declaring the issue more one of public curiosity than good governance.
The country prides itself on its standards of democracy, civil liberties and good governance.
ECONOMIST: Jacob Zuma is poised to become president of South Africa
It takes guts and gumption to put aside partisanship in favor of good governance.
In an interview with The Times, he said curbing public disclosure would help promote good governance.
"This is not about equality, this is about good governance and good business, " he added.
Only under such conditions can the media fulfill its responsibilities, contributing to democracy and good governance.
We partner with emerging democracies, like Indonesia, to help strengthen the institutions upon which good governance depends.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to the Australian Parliament
Democracy depends on elections but also on good governance and respect for the rule of law.
Those leaders started, objectively speaking, from much lower standards of economic development, public policy and good governance.
These questions ranged from compensation strategy and design to the nuts and bolts of good governance processes.
Speaking in Ghana on Saturday President Obama lectured Africans on local repression, corruption, brutality, good governance and accountability.
Sustainable development as well as economic and social progress are inconceivable without good governance and respect for human rights.
First of all, the road to good governance was paved with good intentions.
How can you argue with the idea of encouraging and rewarding good governance?
This is why support to good governance is as important as aid itself.
In his inaugural address, and at the London Conference, President Karzai committed to making good governance a top priority.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Karzai Press Availability
The leaders of the oily trio may have thought high oil prices were an adequate substitute for good governance.
It is again simply for good governance that this measure is being implemented.
"The people have faith that this government will conduct itself along the principles of good governance, " the PM told Asiaweek.
Under his leadership, the United States and Ghana deepened our partnership in the promotion of good governance and economic development.
The course focused on the production of professional radio talk-shows, investigative journalism, and principles of democracy, good governance and peace-building.
What effects will the financial crisis have on a country better known for corruption and red tape than good governance?
Delivering good governance, defending the island's independence and cracking the economy are what's needed, according to Liberal Democrat Aled Morris Jones.
Chad was recently ranked the most corrupt of 21 African countries in a survey on good governance criteria by Transparency International.
There have been lots of efforts to block assistance to Haiti that have nothing to do with good governance or need.
Both leaders agreed to continue to work together to promote peace and security, as well as advance good governance in Gabon.
In the process, they violated industry standards and government regulations with respect to transparency, disclosure, due diligence, good governance and accountability.
Lord McNally, the minister responsible for Britain's Crown Dependencies, said Sark can develop a system of good governance in its own way.
She said any anti-poverty plan would require recipients to practice good governance.
African economies are growing at an average of 6% annually, good governance is gaining ground, and the world is beginning to take notice.