While the penalties are becoming more prevalent, rewards for pursuing good health are far more common.
Each of these things is a link in a chain of good health and prosperity.
Seldom in good health, Tocqueville lived on his nerves, working in bursts followed by frequent collapses.
The board's chairman, Zekeriya Temizel, insists, for now, that these are in good health.
They also have more years of good health before disease and disability set in.
Which creates a moral quandary for anyone tempted to wish Mr. Kurzweil good health.
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In the same survey, 90 percent of American adults reported being in good health.
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To improve housing to ensure good health, and meet the needs of an ageing population.
Still, many people are looking to consume more because they associate protein with good health.
My goal is for them to create new jobs with good health care benefits as well.
In terms of new treatments we are fabulous, we have very good health care professionals.
In normal good health, some bad bacteria that cause disease are crowded out by good bacteria.
She has spoken with her father and is good health and spirits, it said.
It is good health policy to reward having insurance no matter where your policy comes from.
But the annuity payments will be still be higher than a good health annuity.
At the spring, holy water and candles are handed out to everyone present for good health.
The duke has been described as a robust and active man who enjoys good health.
An animal services spokeswoman said that despite being a little stressed, Darwin was in good health.
He reminded her that her father was in good health for his age, content where he was.
Far too many people are robbed of the good health that our biomedical advances would otherwise allow.
The statement said both the child and mother, Colombian heiress Tatiana Santo Domingo, are in good health.
"It's as if you went to a doctor and the doctor said, "You are in good health.
At 74 Greenspan is, by all accounts, in good health and expected to serve out his term.
Buckingham Palace said she was taken in as "a precautionary measure" and was otherwise in "good health".
Environment Minister Stewart Stevenson said the figures showed that Scotland's forestry sector was "in robust good health".
Buckingham Palace said the Queen, 86, was admitted as a precaution and was otherwise in "good health".
"If I am in good health and don't have any injuries I can do it, " he added.
Not all studies have shown such dramatic results, and spirituality is not a guarantee of good health.
In Shetland and Orkney 93% of people reported that they were in good or fairly good health.
And 85% of Australian respondents said they were in good health, well above the survey average of 69%.