Mr Griffiths said that he would be pleased to consider good practice from Scotland and elsewhere.
This was good practice for playing alpha sled dog, and required a lot of aggressive shouting.
Ms Marks agreed that sharing good practice was vital to the success of the review.
Standard good practice is to spend 3% of an annual budget on training, she says.
There's a lot of good practice here, and we need to learn from that.
The tool follows a step-by-step climate resilience framework inspired by existing good practice risk management models.
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She said MPs had heard evidence of good practice but these varied across the country.
The "good practice" guidance reminds teachers that pupils must be properly supervised when travelling.
That is particularly inexcusable, since there are now plenty of examples of good practice available internationally.
The report noted that good practice was evident in the inquiry and no investigative opportunities had been overlooked.
They are responsible for determining the main directions regarding good practice and the management of underwater archaeological sites.
In repeated reports, Sir David has drawn attention to the good practice he has seen during his inspections.
It praised the prison's good practice in receiving prisoners, managing inmates with respect and attending to their basic needs.
BBC: NEWS | Europe | Isle of Man | Government 'surprise' over report
He describes an inconsistent approach towards special needs, but also some good practice.
This brings the number of beacon schools - intended to spread and share good practice and innovation - to 250.
By contrast, the UN report cited the case of Bolivia as an example of good practice in the developing world.
Liberal Democrat AM Aled Roberts asked the minister to consider good practice from other parts of the UK, such as Scotland.
Ms Hutt said the Welsh Assembly Government's strategy for autism would spread good practice across Wales and contribute to tackling social exclusion.
"While there are pockets of good practice, prison simply doesn't deliver for these young men, especially those serving short sentences, " he argued.
In the days to come, the round table will share experience, promote good practice and exchange knowledge from diverse perspectives and partners.
Click here for a copy of the Second Collection of Good Practice.
Labour AM Jenny Rathbone raised her concern that the good practice amongst many hospitals in Wales had not been given enough attention.
He talks about the NHS being a series of "microclimates" where good practice can exist alongside bad, making it harder to detect.
Plaid Cymru called on the Welsh government to promote good practice among local authorities, including the creation of partnerships, which meet local needs.
Mr Duxbury said he accepted the criticism but also noted the report highlighted some instances of good practice and referred to notable improvements.
These struggling schools were to be paired with more successful schools, said the minister, with the aim of passing on advice and good practice.
Afterwards he praised the atmosphere of the crowd and said the experience was good practice ahead of him running the full race next year.
Steve Jenkin, director of health at the charity Sue Ryder, which sponsored the Demos report, insisted that it was important to share good practice.
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We know there's good practice out there, but as with many things in education, it's important that schools learn and share the best ideas.
BBC: Digital learning system for Wales recommended by review
The Moving On report says that there is generally good practice in Scotland, but that more needs to be done on a national basis.