Good products and smart pricing strategies that drive robust demand can obviously accelerate cycles of innovation.
Until now, a company could camouflage a dog behind its good products and a strong brand.
And, with the exception of Windows Vista, Microsoft is a good company that makes good products.
There are luxury good products that donate money to a cause, he says.
FORBES: Your Gun, My Treasure: Fonderie 47 Turning Africa's AK47s Into Jewelry
Buy lesser-known players at 75% discounts when bad management has obscured good products.
"Consumer perception is very important, but good products come through and Motorola has been pretty consistent despite their problems, " he says.
Amazingly the staff all stayed to ensure the technology would not go to the shelve as too many good products do.
FORBES: We Don't Want To Be Too Small To Succeed For Those Too Big To Fail
Only Germany rejects this mindset, preferring to maintain fiscal and monetary discipline and earn its exports by making good products efficiently.
So far Silicon Valley's stars have tended to think that making good products and investing their own fortunes in small companies was virtue enough.
"If we provide them with good products and services, they will come, " says Adiwarman Karim, a vice-president at the bank's research and training institute.
"When we entered the crisis in 2009 we had a strong brand, we had good products, but we were suffering, " managing director Andrea Marescotti told CNN.
It is our mission and our inner obligation to our customers to deliver the best service in this segment as well as good products and related software.
Mainly, they require relentless attention to detail: good products, prompt service, well-trained staff with the power to do a little extra when they judge it right to do so.
And people are concerned about whether the standards, the non-tariff barriers with respect to autos is something that is preventing us from being able to compete with very good products.
The types of companies he likes are similar to Serono when he first got involved: midsize firms that have good products but need management and money to expand beyond their borders.
As an old salesman, running a sales driven company, nothing infuriated me more than watching salesmen discounting perfectly good products because it was easier than uncovering and addressing the real objection.
We can keep GM and Chrysler on life support, but there is no way these companies will grow jobs in face of a global competitive onslaught with very good products, new innovations and lower cost.
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That's always been part of what makes the marketplace work, is if you have smart regulations in place, that means the people who are providing good value, good products, good services, those businesses are going to succeed.
In 1988, he got attracted to International Dairy Queen and bought 50 shares of its class A stock mainly because he thought it was a company that Buffett would favor, given its good products, easy-to-understand operations, high returns on equity, little debt, and a reasonable price-earnings ratio.
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We believe this is going to be good for the United States, for the world, as well as for Russia, because it will provide increased opportunities for markets in which we can sell goods and products and services, as well as purchase good, products and services without some of the traditional barriers.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's Bilateral Meeting with President Medvedev of Russia | The White House
Trial versions of anti-virus products are good for testing products but they do not receive updates, so any new virus that is introduced after the trial version was released will have total access to your PC.
"Profits and exposure of the brand name as a promoter of good Italian products, " says Trapani.
"Profits and exposure of the brand as a promoter of good Italian products, " says Trapani.
The retailer keeps its markups low at around 15%, thus offering good quality products at compelling prices.
Scotland, says Mr Coutts, does not have enough companies to sustain a Scottish House, whereas Britain does, along with a reputation for good quality products.
The competition offeres nearly as good as Apple products at nearly the production cost.