Their two-hour set opened with Good Times Bad Times - the first track of their debut album.
Like all skilled politicians, Dr Mahathir is adept at taking credit for the good times and blaming the bad times on others.
For centuries, the message of Christmas -- of peace and goodwill to all -- has guided millions of people around the world through good times but also through bad times.
And I hope that my presence here today is a reminder that, in good times and in bad times, the United States stands as a friend with Indonesia.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Yudhoyono Press Availability | The White House
The good times were great, and the bad times, in response, are going to be equally painful.
Small town America fears the good times more than the bad times.
Ms. PETERS: Banks tend to have emotions very much like the market, where they tend to overshoot in good times and overshoot in bad times.
In return for taking a chunk of the profits in good times, shareholders get wiped out in bad times.
He hoarded cash in good times, spent it in bad times and stayed frugal.
Reliance on market forces and models led the SEC to challenge the judgmental approach to establishing loan loss reserves and to the creation of procyclical models that understate reserves in good times and overstate them in bad times.
The rest is bravado, boasting, good and bad times with many women and hangers-on, enormous earnings (most of them blown), and wrenching self-criticism and self-abnegation.
The need to retain, recruit and develop the best talent wherever it exists globally to maintain a competitive workforce, in good and bad times, is a priority.
That Austrians explain good and bad times through the prism of inflation suggests austerity in outlook, but promiscuity in action whereby modern theorists redefine the meaning of a word.
FORBES: Brendan Brown, and The Global Curse Of the Federal Reserve
They provide a sense of how long good and bad times will last and how value migrates within an industry, and they thereby let companies continually assess their strategies' relevance.
And to be generous with you staff when times are good and even more generous when times are bad.
The lesson of the 1930s is that free trade, far from being a luxury affordable only when times are good, becomes utterly essential when times are bad.
Foolishly California continues to live off a highly volatile income and sales tax system, with the legislature adding spending in good times, but then through welfare also in bad times.
Margins high enough to build muscle in good times, and maintain at least some profitability in bad times.
Banks typically do very well in good times, and very badly in bad times.
"New partners can't talk about the good times if they're unwilling to talk about the bad times, " he says.
WSJ: Splitting With Your Company's Co-Founder Is a Tricky Task
It did not happen in good times, so now it must in bad times, declares one Eurocrat.
It is not that we have been living under good times and suddenly we are living under bad times.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Interview: Foreign Minister Win Aung - Page 1
In fact, Google's good news in bad times may be based in a bigger trend.
It has succeeded in good times and bad, however, increasing EPS each year of the past decade.
Through it all, her mother has been a touchstone of humor and support in good times and bad.
I've never lived a day, in good times or bad, that I didn't thank God for the privilege.
In good times and bad, the NFL remains a license to print money.
The main difference between debt and equity is that debt has to be serviced, in good times and bad.
ECONOMIST: Semiconductors: America, memory-chip Lazarus | The