How do you pay back your loan, buy a home and a good used car?
Clothing and household items must generally be in good used condition or better to be deductible.
Do you have any hints or tips to help Lily find a good used car at a fair price?
The risk then is simply that a service might not be as good as it used to be or indeed as good as staff and managers would want it to be.
Since gold is a present good, and not used to construct any future good, it remains unaffected by the lower interest rates.
FORBES: Gold Mining Stocks Are An Increasingly Attractive Opportunity
Yet industry leaders have repeatedly lobbied for legislation and regulation that block disruptive approaches from being used anywhere until they are certifiably good enough to be used everywhere.
It is a good example of why Fibonacci retracement analysis can be used a good risk management tool.
What was different between the decision-making process used for a good investment or purchase and the one used for a bad investment or purchase?
Or if you want to put it in another way, we have just accelerated the schedule, and we're looking at what are good numbers for the first quarter that used to be good numbers for the whole six months of the year before the election.
But if you are in good health and used to training, some of these ravages of age can be slowed down.
It has been my experience over the last 25 years that when the time is ripe, even good news is used to sell.
And despite investing some of the potential prize money to promote the team on Facebook and Twitter, Dr Rahwan and his colleagues found that most participants used good old-fashioned e-mail.
Knowing that the demand for used goods could increase in our slow-growth economy, Sageworks analyzed how this type of retailer (second-hand stores, thrift shops, used good stores, etc.) fares differently from its retailing peers.
FORBES: Used Sweaters: More Profitable Than You Might Expect
He said owners of older vehicles are bringing them in for service and doing the math on repairing their current vehicle versus trading it in for a good price since used-car prices are record high and driving away with a new vehicle that achieves far better fuel economy.
But the question analysts are asking is whether the ECB's leverage was used to good effect.
Scotland's new sectarian law is being used to good effect, according the country's lord advocate.
Race camels retire at 11 years old and then good performing females are used for breeding.
The fast-moving, viral nature of Twitter has its perils, but it can also be used for good.
"Good architecture has always used water, " says Charles Sieger, a Miami-based architect who specializes in luxury high-rises.
The fast moving, viral nature of Twitter has its perils, but it can also be used for good.
For tree service, we called my brother, who had used a good company, Growing Earth Tree Care, years ago.
We used some good, old-fashioned reporting with reverse phone directories, which listed telephone numbers by address rather than name.
But just like any technology, it can be used for good or evil.
Where there has been money available, it has been used to good effect.
Similarly, when the neutral tool of money is used to good effect, it provides, security, opportunity, aid for the underserved and myriad occasions for relational enhancement.
Card proponents argue that like any technology, smart cards can be used for good or ill, and society could pass laws enhancing security and preventing abuse.
He goes on to question whether cultural trends will influence whether the Internet will be used for good or bad as it does expand in that country.
But who are the vendors to say that the technology is not being used for good as well as for what you would consider not so good?
FORBES: State Dept Official Calls Out Surveillance Gear Marketer On Human Rights