To come out of that horror story, firstly alive, and secondly not stuck in a wheelchair or something like that, I mean, goodness me, how lucky can you be.
Newer, edgier shows such as the surreal League of Gentlemen and sketch comedy Goodness Gracious Me are also proving popular, she says.
Take a pinch of Goodness Gracious Me, My Beautiful Launderette, East is East, etc and add Alison Steadman's brilliant Abigail (pinched with gusto by the fabulous Juliet Stevenson from Mike Leigh's "Abigail's Party") and you have it.
Comedies Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps, Goodness Gracious Me and Alistair McGowan's Big Impression join dramas Carrie's War and Blackpool and children's classics Stig of the Dump and The Secret Garden on the free service, which can be accessed online at
Surely, your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Awards Chaplain Emil Kapaun the Medal of Honor | The White House
But she had been so good to me, and her goodness was so wise, so dry and uncomplicated.
This is such a life-affirming and uplifting film it almost makes me believe in the goodness of humanity.
CNN: Review: 'October Sky' best offering of a still-young year
' So they dragged me, and I walk in and I thought, 'My goodness, she's kind of cute' ... something propelled me onto that stage, and I think it was more than whiskey.
NPR: Paul Curreri And Devon Sproule: A Couple Of Solo Artists
Yet, while I think nothing of making my own mayonnaise or putting up jars of marmalade, until recently it never occurred to me that these bundles of nooked and crannied goodness were something I could make myself.
To a curmudgeon like me, it's just a flame, for goodness sake.
The Task Group includes the First Church Commissioner, Andreas Whittam-Smith, an unusually saintly and numerate erstwhile hack - who gave me my big break in journalism, by recruiting me to help launch the Independent newspaper in 1986 (goodness it feels such a long time ago).
"Jules Johnson would meet me at his door, take me to his apartment, up to the kitchen and oh my goodness, I'm going to be taken to the drawing room, " he says.