William's sister Honey, played with goofy charm by Emma Chambers, even follows Anna into the bathroom.
They are going luxury goods shopping in Europe and shaking hands with Goofy in Disney World.
But it was kind of goofy, having snow like that on a major league baseball field.
Ross sends his mascot, "Swoop, " a goofy-looking bird in a Talons jersey, to schools.
"Pretty goofy, " says marketing consultant Jonathan Asher of Dragon Rouge of the company's decision.
From the outside, my Slammer was all prison, but from the inside it was all goofy.
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The enterprise was goofy enough to attract one of those doomed government efforts to create jobs.
While baseball goes for Muppet-like characters, the NBA favors tough animals--bulls, mountain lions, coyotes, gorillas--acting goofy.
Did they think I was a free service, like the Goofy characters at Disneyland?
They make goofy mistakes all of the time, which is what happened with Scoble.
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Hence the proliferation of all those goofy warning labels on product packaging and company Web sites.
Hence moments like the goofy celebration, which will rattle the purists but endear them to their fans.
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Fighting crime, exploring the city, and following the goofy exploits of the rookie Chase McCain is plenty entertaining.
FORBES: 'LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins' Review (3DS)
What is very clear is that we do lots of goofy things with the taxes we collect already.
There are parts of the Fallout universe that would seem pretty goofy translated to a narrative TV show.
Along with Kid Icarus: Uprising and the bizarre, goofy, Code of Princess, my 3DS plate is quite full.
FORBES: 'Fire Emblem: Awakening' Review - Part One: Forward Into Battle! (3DS)
In fact, I found Conor, who was 17 years my senior, completely goofy.
Love was all--crazy, boozy, goofy, usually dangerous, often destructive but always romantic, or so we were asked to believe.
One is his cousin Matt (Alex Russell), a philosophical though also goofy sort.
Holding a wireless wheel in the air in front of you is goofy no matter how you slice it.
ENGADGET: Sony PlayStation Move Racing Wheel hands-on (video)
Some companies tried to make sure the goofy ideas actually involved their products.
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In fact, there could indeed be a perfect Hollywood story here: goofy accounting.
Some online writers on Wednesday said the goofy race may be a real symbol of what's to come for Twitter.
CNN: Ashton Kutcher challenges CNN to Twitter popularity contest
Yet Priceline.com , best known as the name-your-own-price booking company with the goofy William Shatner ads, is defying the trend.
"There's nothing glamorous about a network executive peering over the shoulders of people making goofy drawings, " he told the AP.
Bubba Watson, who had yet to tee off, said it looked like "goofy golf" from what he saw on television.
Of course, you remember Jeff Bezos, the Amazon kid with the goofy smile, Time magazine's "person of the year" in 1999.
Some job seekers regularly email recruiters jokes, goofy photos or other unprofessional items just to stay on their radar, says Romayne P.
Of course, beyond the goofy pics, Loggly has some pretty serious technology.
Staffers swap goofy awards, including a bowling ball with one finger hole.