Congress should cut this Gordian knot by removing strangling restrictions on Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs).
Either you or your employer will cut the Gordian knot soon, and it sounds like an unpleasant ending.
It is a Gordian knot the Chinese state has only begun to unpick.
There is an ache inside that Gordian knot, the brain, which wants to do so much in so many directions.
It will be fascinating to see how she untangles that Gordian knot.
This is necessary to deal with the myriad insurance billing schemes that can best be described as a Gordian Knot designed by Rube Goldberg.
FORBES: The Marcus Welby/Steve Jobs Solution to the Medicaid-driven State & County Budget Crisis
Officials in Congress and federal agencies often gravitate toward major changes (new visas, new initiatives) that they say will cut through the Gordian knot.
Insurance companies will realize the medical equivalent of a car tune-up is best paid for without introducing the Gordian Knot of insurance claims processing.
With the end of the Y2K nightmare in sight, now is the time for business executives to take a long-sighted look at the Gordian knot of business and technology.
Instead, he has been left to sort out the Gordian Knot that is the U.K.'s 4G spectrum auction, a task even Alexander the Great's sword would have failed to achieve.
WSJ: U.K.'s 4G Auction a Missed Opportunity for Real Competition
There is a simpler way to cut the Gordian knot of rising debt and college costs, one that would help desperate graduates in the short term and lower the cost of college in the long term.
FORBES: $6.2 Trillion of Unintended Federal Budget Consequences for Commercial Real Estate
While the rest of the company works to shave another 5% off the costs of supplies and wrestles with the union to close plants here and there and give up some health care benefits, Burns could cut GM's Gordian knot with the simplest element in the universe.
That could cut the Gordian knot of immigration reform: America will be yearning for more immigrants, documented or not. 4% growth (somewhat less, actually) makes Social Security and Medicare solvent for as far as the eye can see. 4% growth is the key to the goal of Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) to rebrand the GOP as the Great Opportunity Party.
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