More lending to an industry that gorged on credit is only a short-term tactic at best.
Moreover, once in the euro, many nations became profligate as they gorged on cheap euro-denominated credit.
After all, before the Crisis those who ran Indonesia gorged at tables heaped with private foreign capital.
Consumers had gorged themselves on cheap money and lax mortgage underwriting standards and the result was a record amount of debt.
The bass took well to the deep reservoirs and gorged themselves on rainbow trout, planted by the state for recreational purposes.
After you have marvelled at the horses and gorged yourself on country cuisine, stroll through the market for bargain-priced leather goods, ponchos and silver jewellery.
Deciding whether the Milky Way has gorged on other galaxies, or has merely snacked now and then, will take a lot more careful sifting through its guts.
Everything was so affordable that I gorged on the local salty, bread-like oscypek cheese, eye-wateringly cheap cherry vodka and Polish Mountain Tea (tea with a double shot of spirytus, 190 proof and 95% alcohol).
Unlike its highly leveraged competitors that gorged on loans to build up land banks, Godrej Properties has an asset-light business: It owns only 15% of the land that it is currently developing.
FORBES: Pirojsha Godrej Builds On His Billionaire Family's Name
In recent years the British tabloids have gorged on his foibles: A public and messy divorce was followed by a colorful libel suit he filed against a former Italian manager (whom he had fired).
They speak up passionately on behalf of the pigs penned in the industrial farms whose skins are paper thin and bleed at the slightest touch and whose legs snap under the weight of their steroid-gorged bodies.
One recent study of more than 450 Sun-like stars within about 325 light-years of Earth indicated most had high iron content in their photospheres, or on their surfaces - again, evidence the stars had gorged themselves on planetary material.