How did Mr Bush's governing style shape American politics over the next eight years?
ECONOMIST: Few people will mourn the departure of the 43rd president
Their governing style, on the other hand, is all about presenting the government in the best possible light.
BBC: Cameron's data speech in full
Indeed, in formulating his governing style, the younger Bush appears to have learned much more from his father's failures than his successes.
CNN: latimes.com: Bush the son uses policy campaign to distance himself from the father
Obama is also well suited for the new more open governing style.
FORBES: Obama's Second Chance: Fulfilling the Untapped Potential
Chris Christie's efforts to pull New Jersey back from its cliff and restore economic growth have been the basis for his aggressive governing style.
WSJ: Henninger: Hurricane Christie
Mr Wade's governing style is highly personal.
"Victor Ponta has repeated in 10 days what Traian Basescu took eight years to do - the style of governing is rather similar, " said Christian Mititelu, a political commentator in the Romanian capital, Bucharest.
BBC: Alarm over Romania's bitter Ponta-Basescu turf war
The Liberal Democrats, a coalition between the distant heirs of a once-great governing party and more European-style social democrats, have not yet made the same jump to the radical middle.
ECONOMIST: The British election
They also included LDP-style patronage and pork as an electoral and governing strategy, particularly in rural districts.