• In January, the Government Accounting Office launched a review of JIEDDO and its efforts to counter IEDs.

    CNN: Jamming systems play secret role in Iraq

  • On prices, Ralph says over 10 years, there have been five big mergers, and according to the Government Accounting Office, the price of wireless service has fallen 50%.

    FORBES: D9: AT&T Mobility CEO De La Vega Defends The T-Mobile Deal

  • Cheney was sued by private groups and the Government Accounting Office seeking information on what energy company officials and lobbyists may have advised the group, whose conclusions later formed the basis of the administration's energy policy.

    CNN: Executive privilege: Legitimate claim or blocking move?

  • One of my amusements over the last few days has been reading the testimony of David L. McClure of the Government Accounting Office before the House Subcommittee on Government Management Information and Technology regarding this proposed new position.

    FORBES: Reprieve For A Dying Species

  • The SEC's operations became the subject of a review by the Government Accounting Office after Grassley and others demanded more accountability from the agency on its handling of Aguirre's investigation into possible insider trading at Pequot in 2001.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Cheney was taken to court by private groups and the Government Accounting Office seeking information on what energy company officials and lobbyists might have advised the group, whose conclusions later formed the basis of the administration's energy policy.


  • By selecting the most vital and popular programs for trimming, our public servants have deliberately avoided attacking the mass of duplicative and wasteful programs that have been identified by the non-partisan (yes, it is non-partisan) Government Accounting Office (GAO).

    FORBES: Sequester Alarmists Forget They Are Public Servants

  • To understand what the Senator was up to, it is important to understand that the Government Accounting Office is a department of Congress and, as such, is obligated to create reports to the specifications of its bosses the Members of Congress.

    FORBES: GOP Senator Knowingly Distorts GAO Report He Commissioned To Launch Most Dishonest Attack On Obamacare To Date

  • Congress' watchdog agency, the General Accounting Office, called for consolidating government responsibility for food safety under one agency.

    CNN: Is the government fighting food poisoning?

  • The Commission has been repeatedly criticized by the Government Accountability Office for material weaknesses in its financial reporting and accounting processes, an extraordinary embarrassment for the agency responsible for evaluating the financial statements of all companies whose shares are sold to the public.

    FORBES: The SEC -- A Troubled Agency

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